Accession: V00935
Editorial Title: Calvin A. Frye to Ellen E. Cross, April 8, 1886
Author: Calvin A. Frye 
Recipient: Ellen E. Cross 
Date: April 8, 1886
Manuscript Description: Letterpress copy of a letter handwritten by Calvin A. Frye from Boston, Massachusetts.
Related Topic: 194.32.007Click link to view 194.32.007 document in new window, 194.32.009Click link to view 194.32.009 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

In reply to your letter of the 5th inst.Editorial Note: See 194.32.007. Mrs E. has no advice to give.

With proper teaching, sheEditorial Note: Nellie B. Cafferty or May B. Samples should be able to decide the question of her duty in relation to the Church.

Mrs. Eddy has decided to take no more, students'As Written:students, students until she finds their teachers doing their duty by them.

Yours fraternally
C. A. Frye.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

In reply to your letter of the 5th inst.Editorial Note: See 194.32.007. Mrs E. has no advice to give.

With proper teaching, sheEditorial Note: Nellie B. Cafferty or May B. Samples should be able dto decide the question of her [?] Unclear or illegible  duty in relation to the Church.

Mrs. Eddy has decided to take no more, studentsCorrected:students', student [?] Unclear or illegible s until she finds the [?] Unclear or illegible ir teachers d [?] Unclear or illegible oing their duty by them.

Yours fraternally
C. A. Frye.
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See 194.32.007. Nellie B. Cafferty or May B. Samples