Martha Rand Baker
Martha Rand Baker (1824-1909) was born in Northfield, New Hampshire, and died in Tilton, New Hampshire. She worked as a dressmaker. In 1849, she married George Sullivan Baker, the youngest of Mary Baker Eddy's brothers, in Northfield. Soon after, they moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where George was appointed superintendent of carding and spinning in the Maryland State Penitentiary. Eddy dedicated her poem, "O Sing Me That Song," to Martha in 1853. The Bakers returned to Northfield in 1855. George inherited his father's house in Tilton upon his passing in 1865. When George died in 1867, Martha inherited the home and continued to live there for many years.

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Martha Rand Baker
Martha Rand Baker (1824-1909) was born in Northfield, New Hampshire, and died in Tilton, New Hampshire. She worked as a dressmaker. In 1849, she married George Sullivan Baker, the youngest of Mary Baker Eddy's brothers, in Northfield. Soon after, they moved to Baltimore, Maryland, where George was appointed superintendent of carding and spinning in the Maryland State Penitentiary. Eddy dedicated her poem, "O Sing Me That Song," to Martha in 1853. The Bakers returned to Northfield in 1855. George inherited his father's house in Tilton upon his passing in 1865. When George died in 1867, Martha inherited the home and continued to live there for many years.

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