Moses True Brown
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Moses True Brown (1827-1900) was born in Deerfield, New Hampshire, and died in Sandusky, Ohio. He was an educator who specialized in teaching elocution and oratory. His early career was spent working in the public schools of Manchester, New Hampshire, and Toledo, Ohio. In 1884 he founded the Boston School of Oratory, acting as president until 1890 when he moved to Sandusky to begin a career as a lecturer at schools and colleges. In late 1884 Calvin A. Frye visited Brown in his offices at the Boston School of Oratory.

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Moses True Brown
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Moses True Brown (1827-1900) was born in Deerfield, New Hampshire, and died in Sandusky, Ohio. He was an educator who specialized in teaching elocution and oratory. His early career was spent working in the public schools of Manchester, New Hampshire, and Toledo, Ohio. In 1884 he founded the Boston School of Oratory, acting as president until 1890 when he moved to Sandusky to begin a career as a lecturer at schools and colleges. In late 1884 Calvin A. Frye visited Brown in his offices at the Boston School of Oratory.

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