Edward A. Kimball
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Edward A. (Edward Ancel) Kimball (1845-1909) was born in Buffalo, New York, and died in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. A businessman, he organized the firm of Barrett & Kimball, a large chemical manufacturer in Chicago, Illinois. He married Kate Davidson in Elgin, Illinois, in 1873. Kimball started studying Christian Science in 1887 after experiencing a healing. Both students of Mary Baker Eddy's, the Kimballs completed the Primary class in both March 1888 and February 1889 and the Normal class in November 1898. They joined The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, on July 1, 1893. Kimball retired from business in 1890, devoting himself to the cause of Christian Science. He became a member of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago, in 1890, and was elected First Reader in 1895. In 1893, Eddy asked him to take charge of the Christian Science presentation at the World's Parliament of Religions, held at the Chicago World's Fair. He was appointed to the Christian Science Board of Lectureship in 1898, and lectured throughout the world. In 1899, he became one of the first teachers appointed to the Church's Board of Education, and upon Eddy's request, taught the first class. Kimball was listed in the directory of The Christian Science Journal as a Christian Science practitioner in Chicago from 1900 until his death.

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Edward A. Kimball
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Edward A. (Edward Ancel) Kimball (1845-1909) was born in Buffalo, New York, and died in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. A businessman, he organized the firm of Barrett & Kimball, a large chemical manufacturer in Chicago, Illinois. He married Kate Davidson in Elgin, Illinois, in 1873. Kimball started studying Christian Science in 1887 after experiencing a healing. Both students of Mary Baker Eddy's, the Kimballs completed the Primary class in both March 1888 and February 1889 and the Normal class in November 1898. They joined The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, on July 1, 1893. Kimball retired from business in 1890, devoting himself to the cause of Christian Science. He became a member of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chicago, in 1890, and was elected First Reader in 1895. In 1893, Eddy asked him to take charge of the Christian Science presentation at the World's Parliament of Religions, held at the Chicago World's Fair. He was appointed to the Christian Science Board of Lectureship in 1898, and lectured throughout the world. In 1899, he became one of the first teachers appointed to the Church's Board of Education, and upon Eddy's request, taught the first class. Kimball was listed in the directory of The Christian Science Journal as a Christian Science practitioner in Chicago from 1900 until his death.

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