P01111Laura V. Lathrop (1843-1922) was born in Freeport, Pennsylvania, and died
in Brookline, Massachusetts. She was a student of Mary Baker Eddy's, completing the
Primary class (1885), Normal class (1886), and Obstetrics class (1887). She joined the
Christian Scientist Association in October 1885, and in October 1892, she joined The
First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, and was a member until her
passing. In October 1885, at Eddy's request, she moved to New York City, where she would
spend the next twenty-five years practicing and teaching Christian Science. While there,
she also helped charter First Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City, and Second
Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City, in 1888 and 1891 respectively. In 1899, she
was appointed to the inaugural Christian Science Board of Education, serving for just
one year. In later life, she moved to Brookline and continued to teach and practice
there until her passing.
See more letters.