Perl Plunkett
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Perl Plunkett (1878-1951), later Perl Henderson, was born in Detroit, Michigan, and died in Christchurch, New Zealand. She was the eldest child of John J. and Mary H. Plunkett. Shortly after her parents divorced, she emigrated to New Zealand along with her mother and brother, Paul. Paul later returned to the United States, but Perl settled in New Zealand where she married newspaper editor, Alexander Gunn Henderson, in 1908.

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Perl Plunkett
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Perl Plunkett (1878-1951), later Perl Henderson, was born in Detroit, Michigan, and died in Christchurch, New Zealand. She was the eldest child of John J. and Mary H. Plunkett. Shortly after her parents divorced, she emigrated to New Zealand along with her mother and brother, Paul. Paul later returned to the United States, but Perl settled in New Zealand where she married newspaper editor, Alexander Gunn Henderson, in 1908.

See more letters.