Accession: 006A.05.018
Editorial Title: Alfred Farlow to Calvin A. Frye, November 9, 1888
Author: Alfred Farlow 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: November 9, 1888
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Alfred Farlow on unlined stationery of the Kansas Christian Science Institute in Topeka, Kansas.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

your letter regarding Adams thankfully received. He has just closed a class here and has gone. He called while I was away and brother Will and Father entertained him. He had some of his journals with him and was soliciting patrons. They told him they did not read anything not recommended by Mrs. Eddy. Then he declared that he had a letter from Mrs. Eddy commending his writings and that he had published it in his journal.

Brother then told him he would not believe it if he should show it to him unless he had the statement straight from Mrs. Eddy. Was this too plain? Adams seemed to think so as he became very angry in belief, and declared they had called him a liar. He said he was "converted" when sixteen and had practiced healing and understood C. S. before he saw Mrs. Eddy.

In his public lecture whi ch was very sparsely attended all his talk was about himself and what he had done. Said he had not known anything about sickness since he came to the understanding of Science and that his body had been perfectly harmonious. Wonderful man! We will soon have to catch him by the coattail As Written: coat-tail if we would keep him with us. He said he tried Mrs. Eddy's As Written: Eddies harness but he could not work in it. He said it was like Saul's harness to David. So he put off Mrs. Eddy's As Written: Eddies armor and took Truth. They asked him if he did not learn what C. S. he knew of Mrs. Eddy. He said no he had learned it from Truth.

You can see what a limited idea he has of Mrs. Eddy who is to us the idea of Truth and Love. rebuking all material sense.

He repeated several times a statement to the effect that Mrs. Eddy observed his degree of spirituality while he was in California and sent for him to preach. He has a belief that there is more than one good and that he is one of them.

He declares himself a member of Mrs. Eddy's Association. His class here was composed of Swarts and Hopkins students and some of their friends. He seemed to have a desire to harmonize the "Scientists" here, the same idea that Mrs. Gesterfeld talks. Just as if we could harmonize God and devil.

You see they want to shape things so there will be no one to denounce them then they can build themselves up faster and there will be none to oppose their writings, and considered good Science, all will purchase.

He does not desire us to name the devils but expose without. You can see it is the same old whine "We let you alone why don't you let us alone." "Why can't we have peace and harmony".

I for one do not want a harmonious drunk. I choose rather a warlike awakening.

We have too long already cried— peace– peace when there was no peaceJer 6:14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. , I do not care to have any pets in error. If I am wrong I desire to know it– but I have not the least mercy for those who desire a broad Christian Science that will take in the w orld. If they are not willing to become as little children willing to become as little childrenMatt 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. and give up all for Christ, Truth I say out with them. This "I think they are honest and want to do right but are deceived" excuse is becoming stale.

I see we can have no good evil. I know we must be charitable, but I have suffered, in belief, by taking people into my house (consciousness) who were wrong simply because I thought they wanted to do right.

I have learned from my own experience that when people desire to do right, they do right.

These devils, in belief, (only forms of error) desire to sail under the banner of C. S. and at the same time express devil and denounce the mother of C. S. If I did not desire to be known as a horse thief As Written: horse-thief and did not respect the business I would not call myself a horse thief As Written: horse-thief but take some other name Would not you? I try to hold my peace, to hold that Love is the only Intelligence and blot them out of my consciousness as nothingness, but I will never compromise with them in the least unless I am enabled to see differently and I desire to see them in all their hideousness As Written: hidiousness so that I may not be tempted to compromise.

I am sure that if I do not uncover the lie I will never see the nothingness of it. As long as it presents the face of Truth we regard it as a reality.

But when we see it as a lie we recognize it as an unreality. Thanking you again for your kindness,

I would remain
Yours in Divine Love
Alfred Farlow

P. S. Please inform me as to Mrs. Eddy's As Written: Eddies letter to Adams. Why sent and whether intended to be published by him.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

your letter regarding Adams thankfully received. He has just closed a class here and has gone. He called while I was away and brother Will and Father entertained him. He had some of his journals with him and was soliciting patrons. They told him they did not read anything not recommended by Mrs. Eddy. Then he declared that he had a letter from Mrs. Eddy commending his writings and that he had published int in his journal.

Brother then told him he would not believe it if he should show it to him unless he had the statement straight from Mrs. Eddy. Was this too plain? Adams seemed to think so as he became very angry in belienf, and declared they had called him a liar. He said he was "converted" when sixteen and had practiced healing and understood C. S. before he saw Mrs. Eddy.

In his public lecture whis ch was very sparsely attended all his talk was about himself and what he had done. Said he had not known anything about sickness since he came to the understanding of Science and that his body had been perfectly harmonious. Wonderful man! w We will soon have to catch him by the coat-tail Corrected: coattail if we would keep him with us. He said he tried Mrs. Eddies Corrected: Eddy's harness but he could not work in it. He said it was like s Saul's harness to David. So he put off Mrs. Eddies Corrected: Eddy's armor and took Truth. They asked him if he did not learn what C. S. he knew of Mrs. Eddy. He said no he had learned it from Truth.

You can see what a limited idea he has of Mrs. Eddy who is to us the idea of the Truth and Love. rebuking all material sense.

He repeated several times the a statement to the effect that Mrs. Eddy observed his degree of spirituality while he was in California and sent for him to preach. He has a belief that there is more than one good and that he is one of them.

He declares himself a member of Mrs. Eddy's Association. His class here was composed of Swarts and Hopkins students and some of their friends. He seemed to have a desire to harmonyize the "Scientists" here, the same idea that Mrs. Gesterfeld talks. Just as if we could harmonize God and [?] Unclear or illegible devil.

You see they want to shape things so there will be no one to denounce them then they can build themselves up faster and there will be none to oppose their writings, and considered good Science, all will purchase.

He does not notAs Written:not desire us to name the devils but expose without. You can see it is the same old whine "We let you alone why don't you let us alone." "Why can't we have peace and harmony".

I for one do not want a harmonious drunk. I choose rather a warlike awakening.

We have too long already cried— peace– peace when there was no peaceJer 6:14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace. , I do not care to have any pets in error. If I am wrong I desire to know it– but I have not the least mercy for those who desire a broad Christian Science that will take in the w [?] Unclear or illegible  orld. If they are not willing to become as little children willing to become as little childrenMatt 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. and give up all for Christ, Truth I say out with them. This "I think they are honest and want to do right but are deceived" excuse is becoming stale.

I see we h can have no good evil. I know we must be charitable, but I have suffered, in belief, by taking people into my house (consciousness) who were wrong simply because I thought they wanted to do right.

I have learned from my own experience that when people desire to do right, they do right.

These devils, in belief, (only forms of error) desire to sail under the banner of C. S. and at the same time express devil and denounce the mother of C. S. If I did not desire to be known as a horse-thief Corrected: horse thief and did not respect the business I would not call myself a horse-thief Corrected: horse thief but take some other name Would not you? I try to hold my peace, to hold that Love is the only Intelligence and blot them out of my consciousness as nothingness, but I will never compromise with them in the least unless I am enabled to see differently and I desire to see them in all their hidiousness Corrected: hideousness so that I may not be tempted to compromise.

I am sure that if I do not uncover the lie I will never see the nothingness of it. As long as it presents the face of Truth we regard it as a reality.

But when we see it as a lie we recognize it as an unreality. Thanking you again for your kindness,

I would remain
Yours in Divine Love
Alfred Farlow

P. S. Please inform me as to Mrs. Eddies Corrected: Eddy's letter to Adams. Why sent and whether intended to be published by him.

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