Accession: 020A.09.013
Editorial Title: M. Bettie Bell to Calvin A. Frye, August 4, 1886
Author: M. Bettie Bell 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: August 4, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by M. Bettie Bell on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I received a letter from my Sister todayAs Written:to-day enclosing As Written: inclosing a letter from you- in which Mrs. Eddy declines to teach my Sister- I am so very sorry for her sake & for the Sake of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- My Sister can't comprehend why she thus refuses when so many of our relatives & friends are waiting there to Study As Written: Studdy for her- She thinks Mrs. Eddy is merciless- to want to hide the light from her and my Sister is too As Written: to much of a Student for me to teach her- She says Mr- Lancaster was thinking of going too and she is so Afraid it will turn him from it altogether that she don't dare to show him. Your letter – He was so hurt & disappointed she was not accepted before – I don't know what effect it will have now. I never hear of any beliefs from her now & I know she is gifted & Mrs. Eddy never could have a finer Student or one that could do so much for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.- Beg of her for all our sakes As Written: sake's to reconsider and take her –

Yours hopefully and affectionately
Mrs. J. H. Bell

Please drop me just a line- and say to me- "Don't Mrs. Eddy like my Sister? Is there anything As Written: any-thing wrong about her?-

Love to Mrs. Eddy- I love her anyhowAs Written:any-how - & am going to meet Dr- Sawyer at Mrs. L's to tea —

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I received a letter from my Sister to-dayCorrected:today inclosing Corrected: enclosing a letter from you- in which Mrs. Eddy declines to teach my Sister- I am so very sorry for her sake & for the Sake of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- My Sister can't comprehend why she thus refuses when so many are of our relatives & friends are waiting there to Studdy Corrected: Study for her- She thinks Mrs. Eddy is merciless- to want to hide the light from her and my Sister is to Corrected: too much of a Student for me to teach her- She says Mr- Lancaster was thinking of going too and she is so afAfraid it will turn him from it altogether that she don't dare to show him. Your letter – He was so hurt & disappointed she was not accepted before – I don't know what effect it will have now. I never hear of any beliefs from her now & I know she is gifted & Mrs. Eddy never could have a finer Student or one that could do so much for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.- Beg of her for all our sake's Corrected: sakes to reconsider and take her –

Yours hopefully and affectionately
Mrs. J. H. Bell

Please drop me just a line- and say to me- "Don't Mrs. Eddy like my Sister? Is there any-thing Corrected: anything wrong about her?-

Love to Mrs. Eddy- I love her any-howCorrected:anyhow - & am going to meet Dr- Sawyer at Mrs. L's to tea —

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Christian Science The cause of Christian Science.