Accession: 025A.10.036
Editorial Title: Clara E. Choate to Mary Baker Eddy, December 12, 1883
Author: Clara E. Choate 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 12, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Clara E. Choate on lined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
3 o’ c Monday As Written: mon
Beloved Teacher

Three times I have left my bed to write you my decision about going westEditorial Note: Clara E. Choate had been planning a trip to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois, areas.. Two nights I have spent in thought and prayer and now conclude finally to remain and give it up and ask you as a favor not to urge my going. You no doubt can spare me best, but my own cannot, my practiseEditorial Note: Clara E. Choate’s practice of Christian Science healing through prayer. may seem of little account to you but to me it is as great as your Church or college. You have male students who can go as well as not but I cannot and for many reasons and with reverence & love in my heart for all shall not entertain any further thought of going and beg you to consider this my final answer to this question. Not less than seven have been at work for hours to make me decide to go and I know much that I cannot tell in words. God has helped me to this decision and He As Written: he will show you why. The causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science needs its champions here and I deem Boston bigger than the whole of the west and shall with renewed energy do my work here.

Your faithful
Clara --
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
3 o’ c mon Corrected: Monday
Beloved Teacher

Three times I have left my bed to write you my decision about going westEditorial Note: Clara E. Choate had been planning a trip to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois, areas.. Two nights I have spent in thought and prayer and now conclude finally to remain and give it up and ask you as a favor not to urge my going. You no doubt can spare me best, but my own cannot, my practiseEditorial Note: Clara E. Choate’s practice of Christian Science healing through prayer. may seem of little account to you but to me it is as great as your Church or college. You have male students who can go as well as not but I cannot and for many reasons and with reverence & love in my heart for all shall not entertain any further thought of going and beg you to consider this my final answer to this question. Not less than seven have been at work for hours to make me decide to go and I know much that I cannot tell in words. God has helped me to this decision and he Corrected: He will show you why. The causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science needs its champions here and I deem Boston bigger than the whole of the west and shall with renewed energy do my work here.

Your faithful
Clara --
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Clara E. Choate had been planning a trip to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and Chicago, Illinois, areas. Clara E. Choate’s practice of Christian Science healing through prayer. The Cause of Christian Science