If I am worthy of such a step let it be taken. But I do ask the privilege of being informed of what and by when am I accused.
A common criminal could have this granted them. The “something that has been found amiss” I am ready to meet true or false and my darling teacher I beg you to tell me. I admit my pride and selfishness and lack of charity but I am not reconciled to be treated as a criminal without an hearing and as my acknowledged Leader, teacher, Pastor, friend, hope you will do me this justice.
I do not justify my error or sin of my life and am ready to bow in the deepest humiliation and beg forgiveness of you all, but when such a judgment As Written: judgement as this viz. Expulsion from Church and association are placed upon me I must in self respect and love of right demand the reason why.
I shall love you none the less if you answer As Written: ans. not but it will help me to bear the wrong and the greatest wrong I could suffer I shall never forget the suffering of this hour and shall try to be lovingly resigned for all that is to come.