Accession: 031.11.003
Editorial Title: Eugene H. Greene to Mary Baker Eddy, September 5, 1883
Author: Eugene H. Greene 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 5, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Eugene H. Greene on lined paper from Portland, Maine.
Editorial Note: Greene is replying to a letter (not extant) from Mary Baker Eddy, in which she apparently made him and his wife, Grace A. Greene, a "kind offer" relating to class instruction with her. Greene says that they must put off class for a while longer because his superintendent at work cannot arrange a leave of absence for him right now. They hope to learn more about Christian Science soon.
Related Versions: See L16761Click link to view L16761 document in new window for an annotated typed transcription of this document.
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