Accession: 041.14.004
Editorial Title: Julia S. Bartlett to Mary Baker Eddy, April 12, 1884
Author: Julia S. Bartlett 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: April 12, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in pencil by Julia S. Bartlett on lined paper.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Apr. 12 -84
My dear Mrs Eddy

I do not believe any student ever had such an experience as I am passing through. There is a perfect rush of patients. Three M.D.s are sending me patients at the same time some of them are terribly frightened in regard to their own position. They say they never saw such a string of people as are going to see that Dr _____ I am turning away ten or a dozen patients every day that I cannot find time to see. Talked to from 150 to 200 one night in the hall among the listeners was a minister Dr & Lawyer all very much interested and have made an appointment to see me and have bought the books. Shall sell about 50 booksEditorial Note: Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. here and have 70 subscribersEditorial Note: Subscribers to The Christian Science Journal. The people are just wild here over this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and it astonishes me when I think it has all come from my poor efforts for they know of no other student. Expect to leave here Saturday for another place where I shall go through the same experience in getting a large number of subscribers and selling books & speaking to the people but I must have some good healer come and take some this rush of patients off my hands. If two would come I could furnish each of them with a large practice I can attend to the rest if they will only take the patients that come from my work I am just thronged You cannot have the least idea of it I am with all the rest earning money from my practice of its role of over $200Editorial Note: $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,537.79 in 2017. per week but that seems of no consequence comparatively I think Mr Stone and if possible another good healer (for he cannot do half what is to be done) better meet me at the next place I go and stay about four or five days taking the patients and finishing them at home I go to McIndoes Falls, Vt. Saturday and if you agree with me in this arrangement please send telegram on receipt of this saying Yes and if not No but I think you will and if so will you please have someone make arrangements with the parties to meet me Saturday at McIndoes Falls Vermont will meet them at the depot. The strictest silence must be observed in regard to all this. Remember what I told you before I came away. It is God that is doing this work but when it is all done I shall be so glad to go home. It is late in the night I have no time to eat drink or sleep

With lots of love.
J.S. Bartlett,

Hoarseness all gone before you rec’d letter. JB.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered Apr. 12 -84
My dear Mrs Eddy

I do not believe any student ever had such an experience as I am passing through. There is a perfect rush of patients. Three M.D.s are sending me patients at the same time some of them are terribly frightened in regard to their own position. They say they never saw such a string of people as are going to see that Dr _____ I am turning away ten or a dozen patients every day that I cannot find time to see. Talked to from 150 to 200 one night in the hall among the listeners was a minister Dr & Lawyer all very much interested and have made an appointment to see me and have bought the books. Shall sell about 50 booksEditorial Note: Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. here and have 70 subscribersEditorial Note: Subscribers to The Christian Science Journal. The people are just wild here over this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and it astonishes me when I think it has all come from my poor efforts for they know of no other student. Expect to leave here Saturday for another place where I shall go through the same experience in getting a large number of subscribers and selling books & speaking to the people but I must have some good healer come and take some this rush of patients off my hands. If two would come I could furnish each of them with a large practice I can attend to the rest if they will only take the patients that come from my work I am just thronged You cannot have the least idea of it I am with all the rest earning money from my practice of its role of over $200Editorial Note: $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,537.79 in 2017. per week but that seems of no consequence comparatively I think Mr Stone and if possible another good healer (for he cannot do half what is to be done) better meet me at the next place I go and stay about four or five days taking the patients and finishing them at home I go to McIndoes Falls, Vt. Saturday and if you agree with me in this arrangement please send telegram on receipt of this saying Yes and if not No but I think you will and if so will you please have someone make arrangements with the parties to meet me Saturday at McIndoes Falls Vermont will meet them at the depot. The strictest silence must be observed in regard to all this. Remember what I told you before I came away. It is God that is doing this work but when it is all done I shall be so glad to go home. It is late in the night I have no time to eat drink or sleep

With lots of love.
J.S. Bartlett,

Hoarseness all gone before you rec’d letter. JB.

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Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Subscribers to The Christian Science Journal. Christian Science $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,537.79 in 2017.