Accession: 041.14.006
Editorial Title: Julia S. Bartlett to Mary Baker Eddy, March 1, 1885
Author: Julia S. Bartlett 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 1, 1885 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Julia S. Bartlett on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: An archivist note indicates that Sunday March 1 occurred in 1885 & 1891.
Related Topic: V00868Click link to view V00868 document in new window, 041.14.005Click link to view 041.14.005 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I want to tell you once more that I know you have done just right by me. I can see God’s hand in it and shall profit by the experience as rapidly as possible –

I have suffered but in the suffering I thank you and God for that which is opening my eyes to my true position – Your wisdom in these things is wonderful I see this more and more –

What we need is more of the spirit a higher Christianity and I am thankful for anythingAs Written:any thing that will push me as to this if I will not take my place without –

My sympathy is for you my dear Teacher – and I will get as soon as possible where you can depend upon me for help at any time or place –

I shall not be able to be at the Association Wed because of an appointment I made before thinking of its being on that day –

I will not trouble you with my letters but wanted to write you this –

Sincerely and lovingly –
Your Student
J. S. Bartlett.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I want to tell you once more that I know you have done just right by me. I can see God’s hand in it and shall profit by the experience as rapidly as possible –

I have suffered but in the suffering I thank you and God for that which is opening my eyes to my true position – Your wisdom in these things is wonderful I see this more and more –

What we need is more of the spirit a higher Christianity and I am thankful for any thingCorrected:anything that will push me as to this if I will not take my place without –

My sympathy is for you my dear Teacher – and I will get as soon as possible where you can depend upon me for help at any time or place –

I shall not be able to be at the Association Wed because of an appointment I made before thinking of its being on that day –

I will not trouble you with my letters but wanted to write you this –

Sincerely and lovingly –
Your Student
J. S. Bartlett.
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