Accession: 050.15.001
Editorial Title: Sarah J. Clark to Mary Baker Eddy, March 16, 1885
Author: Sarah J. Clark 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 16, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sarah J. Clark on embossed lined paper from Detroit, Michigan.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Enclosed, please find an item from a Detroit paperEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to an article titled “A Lady Metaphysician,” which appeared in the Sunday March 15, 1885, issue of the Detroit Free Press. It described a visit by a reporter to a Christian Scientist, and it involved treatment where the practitioner sat behind the patient and treated the patient for half an hour., and every Christian ScientistAs Written:C.S. I have heard from in the StateEditorial Note: Michigan gives the half hour, & back to back treatment, I have been here a week and have three patients they all exclaim As Written: exclam I should not think you could help me in so short a time - about five minutes. what do you think?

I have sold a set of booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. to a physician As Written: physican , Have not receivedAs Written:rec’d the March number of the Journal; I would not trouble you if Miss Bartlett had not left the College. I was very anxious for someone As Written: some one to come with for I think two As Written: too [?] Unclear or illegible together would do a large work here –

Please send me Miss Osgoods address.

Very Truly
Sarah J. Clark
#50 Alexandrine Avenue
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Enclosed, please find an item from a Detroit paperEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to an article titled “A Lady Metaphysician,” which appeared in the Sunday March 15, 1885, issue of the Detroit Free Press. It described a visit by a reporter to a Christian Scientist, and it involved treatment where the practitioner sat behind the patient and treated the patient for half an hour., and every C.S.Expanded:Christian Scientist I have heard from in the StateEditorial Note: Michigan gives the half hour, & back to back treatment, I have been here a week and have three patients they all exclam Corrected: exclaim I should not think you could help me in so short a time - about five minutes. what do you think?

I have sold a set of booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. to a physican Corrected: physician , Have not rec’dExpanded:received the March number of the Journal; I would not trouble you if Miss Bartlett had not left the College. I was very anxious for some one Corrected: someone to come with for I think too Corrected: two [?] Unclear or illegible together would do a large work here –

Please send me Miss Osgoods address.

Very Truly
Sarah J. Clark
#50 Alexandrine Avenue
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This is likely a reference to an article titled “A Lady Metaphysician,” which appeared in the Sunday March 15, 1885, issue of the Detroit Free Press. It described a visit by a reporter to a Christian Scientist, and it involved treatment where the practitioner sat behind the patient and treated the patient for half an hour. Michigan Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.