Enclosed, please find an item from a Detroit paperEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to an article titled “A Lady Metaphysician,” which appeared in the Sunday March 15, 1885, issue of the Detroit Free Press. It described a visit by a reporter to a Christian Scientist, and it involved treatment where the practitioner sat behind the patient and treated the patient for half an hour., and every Christian ScientistAs Written:C.S. I have heard from in the StateEditorial Note: Michigan gives the half hour, & back to back treatment, I have been here a week and have three patients they all exclaim As Written: exclam I should not think you could help me in so short a time - about five minutes. what do you think?
I have sold a set of booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. to a physician As Written: physican , Have not receivedAs Written:rec’d the March number of the Journal; I would not trouble you if Miss Bartlett had not left the College. I was very anxious for someone As Written: some one to come with for I think two As Written: too [?] Unclear or illegible together would do a large work here –
Please send me Miss Osgoods address.