PhiladelphiaEditorial Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 1st 1882
Your thoughtful letter of Dec. 14Editorial Note: See L02024. & the Dr's of 24thEditorial Note: This letter, written by Asa Gilbert Eddy, is not extant. were duly received. I regret very much the recent secession, but, principle is before and after persons. I have still hope for Mrs Rice at least. In regard to Dr Buswell I don't think there need be any particular "anxiety" I received a letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. from him Dec. 1st in which he says: "I am constantly exercising the science of 'Life', 'Truth' & 'Love' as I understand it, in my daily work, often meeting with sickness and sin and treating the same without even letting the sufferer know about the methods." (Example instance) After alluding to Mr Smith's letter he says, "let us, dear James, keep our armor bright and glistening in the enemy's face", and after mentioning Mrs Rice particularly he writes I must say "this phenomena all goes to show the unknown power of thought". So I judge he is all right. Dec. is always the busiest month of the year with me or I would have written sooner. Have written to Buswell as I had intended, before receiving the Dr's letter but it is too soon to expect an answer–
In regard to lecturing here I should be much in favor of it but would not assume the responsibility of giving you a "call". There are plenty of halls as cheap, I presume, as in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts and if the lectures or teachings were accompanied or followed by actual demonstration I have no doubt a good work could be done here. Think I would do my part though my faith is probably not so strong as it ought to be. I still believe the mental cure to be the highest known.
Yours in Truth
P. S. Dr. Holbrook said in a letter to me that there were some good hints in the chapter on "Healing the Sick" but that he thought the others were hardly in keeping with your theme.