Accession: 146.23.015
Editorial Title: James Ackland to Asa Gilbert Eddy, September 15, 1881
Author: James Ackland 
Recipient: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Date: September 15, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by James Ackland on lined paper from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Editorial Note: Ackland writes to Dr. Eddy regarding a chest of tools he is returning. Ackland continues by discussing a patient, Charles H. Neall. He says he loaned him a copy of Science and Health because he didn't feel that he had enough experience of his own to help him. Neall seems to be improving, and he has decided to write to Eddy himself. Neall also asked Ackland if he could help his sister, who has been suffering for ten months, and they aren't sure if she will live. Ackland has given her a treatment, and she seems to be more comfortable, but he is asking for help with this case. He hopes to be more independent with his cases as he continues. He also says he probably won't continue his card business beyond December. He says his friend Neall is hoping for a response from Eddy to his letter (593B.61.012) and that perhaps one response would work for them both.
Related Topic: 593B.61.012Click link to view 593B.61.012 document in new window, L16171Click link to view L16171 document in new window
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