Accession: 163A.27.028
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, June 29, 1885
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 29, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Teacher,

I am and have been the "busiest bee" that ever was - hence the reason As Written: reasen I have not written - have been teaching, and healing, besides attending to many other important matters, among which was distributing the Defence of C.S. Miss Bartlett sent a box containing 3700, and they have all been distributed on the best streets here, except 150, which I have kept to hand to new people, and send to new addresses as I hear of them, They As Written: Thy have all been out now about two weeks, and have done a great deal of good, It cost me over $30.00Editorial Note: $30.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $797.85 in 2020., but I don't mind that, but if all would as much as a few are doing, how the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. would grow, What is now needed is to distribute as many or more of the "Historical Sketch" here in the same way, the Defence of C.S. was, Each one was put in a sealed envelopeAs Written:envelove, addressed to the name and number of St.

Don’t you think I did well now.

Mrs Crosse sent me an article, just the thing, by the way, and asked me to have it published, Well our CommitteeAs Written:Com on publications have never succeeded in getting any published, sometimesAs Written:some times refused flatly even at anythingAs Written:any thing except a fabulous price, (but I don't wonder for Dr Avery is not the one to attend to anythingAs Written:any thing of the sort,) Well I said nothing to anyoneAs Written:any one, but thought I'd see what I could do, The result was it was published, in two days free. Mrs. Crosse will tell you about it. do you see I have been, indeed busy, but working for the Cause of TruthEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. always, now as regards Swarts, he is just like a flea, as an eel, is perhaps better, I have had some personal experience with him lately but will have to wait till As Written: til I see you as there is too much to it to write you, but through my instrumentality, he was forced to acknowledge you before an audience the founder of Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. and spoke of you in terms of highest respect, I have a letter stating he did, from a lady who heard him, shall keep it. But he and his magazineEditorial Note: This is a reference to a monthly periodical published by A. J. Swarts titled The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine). are but [?] Unclear or illegible  [?] Unclear or illegible  as none except Spiritualists, patronize with he, or it, and to silence him we would have to stamp out spiritual ism, which we cannot do yet, but the time will come when we can, I hope soon, There is no use in getting into a quarrelAs Written:quarrell, till we can win the day; we are watching for an opportunity, But thus far it would be as impossible to silence him, as it has been to silence Arens, and others in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts.

There is the most widespreadAs Written:wide spread interest in Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. here among the best, and most influential As Written: influencial people, and many of them are taking it up, and many more will, I know this, for my list of acquaintances is large, and entirely As Written: intirely among that class of people, and their attention has been drawn by splendid demonstrations, I say it humbly but I have a splendid reputation here, both as a healer, and as a woman, so much praise, so much attention but I do not let it turn my head in the least, I should lose all if I did.

Well I have other letters to write so will close, Thanks for all the help you must have given me, I have so much to talk to you about when I see you, which will be in Sept,

Lovingly & faithfully
Ellen Brown

Write soon.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Teacher,

I am and have been the "busiest bee" that ever was - hence the reasen Corrected: reason I have not written - have been teaching, and healing, besides attending to many other important matters, among which was distributing the Defence of C.S. Miss Bartlett sent a box containing 3700, and they have all been distributed on the best streets here, except 150, which I have kept to hand to new people, and send to new addresses as I hear of them, Thy Corrected: They have all been out now about two weeks, and have done a great deal of good, It cost me over $30.00Editorial Note: $30.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $797.85 in 2020., but I don't mind that, but if all would ove as much as a few are doing, how the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. would grow, What is now needed is to distribute as many or more of the "Historical Sketch" here in the same way, the Defence of C.S. was, I Each one was put in a sealed enveloveCorrected:envelope, addressed to the name and number of St.

Don’t you think I did well now.

Mrs Crosse sent me an article, just the thing, by the way, and asked me to have it published, Well our ComExpanded:Committee on publications have never succeeded in getting any published, some timesCorrected:sometimes refused flatly even at any thingCorrected:anything except a fabulous price, (but I don't wonder for Dr Avery is not the one to attend to any thingCorrected:anything of the sort,) Well I said nothing to any oneCorrected:anyone, but thought I'd see what I could do, The result was it was published, in two days free. Mrs. Crosse will tell you about it. do you see I have have been, indeed busy, but working for the Cause of TruthEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. always, now as regards Swarts, he is just like a flea, as an eel, is perhaps better, I have had some personal experience with him lately but will have to wait til Corrected: till I see you as there is too much to it to write tell you, but through my instrumentality, he was forced to acknowledge you before an audience the founder of C.S.Expanded:Christian Science and spoke of you in terms of highest respect, I have a letter stating he did, from a lady who heard him, shall keep it. But he and his magazineEditorial Note: This is a reference to a monthly periodical published by A. J. Swarts titled The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine). are but [?] Unclear or illegible  [?] Unclear or illegible  as none except Spiritualists, patronize with he, or it, and to silence him we would have to stamp out spiritualists ism, which we cannot do yet, but the time will come when we can, I hope soon, There is no use in getting into a quarrellCorrected:quarrel, till we can win the day; we are watching for an opportunity, But thus far it would be as impossible to silence him, as it has been to silence Arens, and others in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts.

There is the most wide spreadCorrected:widespread interest in C.S.Expanded:Christian Science here among the best, and most influencial Corrected: influential people, and many of them are taking it up, and many more will, I know this, for my list of acquaintances is large, and intirely Corrected: entirely among that class of people, and their attention has been drawn by splendid demonstrations, I say it humbly but I have a splendid reputation here, both as a healer, and as a woman, so much praise, so much attention but I do not let it turn my head in the least, I should lose all if I did.

Well I have other letters to write so will close, Thanks for all the help you must have given me, I have so much to talk to you about when I see you, which will be in Sept,

Lovingly & faithfully
Ellen Brown

Write soon.

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$30.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $797.85 in 2020. The cause of Christian Science. The cause of Christian Science. This is a reference to a monthly periodical published by A. J. Swarts titled The Mind Cure and Science of Life (later renamed Mental Science Magazine). Boston, Massachusetts