Accession: 197.32.003
Editorial Title: George W. Glover II to Mary Baker Eddy, August 12, 1879
Author: George W. Glover II 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy  Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Scribe: Unknown 
Date: August 12, 1879
Manuscript Description: Handwritten on behalf of George W. Glover II by an unknown scribe on lined paper from Deadwood, Dakota Territory.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mother & Father:

Your letters bearing dates of July 25th & July 30thEditorial Note: These letters are not extant. were forwarded to us from FargoEditorial Note: Fargo, Dakota Territory & gave us great pleasure in hearing from you.

We have sold our property in Fargo & moved to Deadwood last spring, I having spent the year previous in the Black Hills.

After arriving here I purchased a lot within the city limits containing an acre of ground, pleasantly located & overlooking the heart of the city. We are [?] Unclear or illegible Editorial Note: probably "living" in a little log building but expect to put up a better one this fall. The location will give you plenty of room to join us either in one large fine building or in a separate one if you should prefer it.

Central City, Lead City & Deadwood are almost one continuous city & in a few years will be double their present size. They are large & wealthy enough to meet your wishes in regard to business.

The Hills are immensely rich in gold quartz & in agriculture & timber & climate are unsurpassed by any other country on the globe. The climate is milder & more pleasant than your New England home.

I have got up an attraction for gold by which I can not only locate gold leads beneath the surface of the ground, but can determine their width & richness. My attraction is purely a chemical one. On this principle I have been prospecting & opening mines all summer & now have six or seven very rich mines. None of them are yet developed sufficient to sell, but in a month or so we expect to have one of them sufficiently opened up to sell at a pretty good figure, & by its sale develop the others & open new ones. If I had a little more money I could open a large number of very rich mines, & make one thousand bring a return of $10 000Editorial Note: $10,000 in 1879 would be $292,655.83 in 2022. or a $100 000Editorial Note: $100,000 in 1879 would be $2,926,558.33 in 2022..-

My wife & I would be very glad to have you come & make your home with us as long as you live, & we will endeavor to make everything as pleasant for you as possible. If we are as successful in our mines as we expect there will be nothing to prevent us from making you very comfortable.

I have no hesitancy in recommending this country to you as one of unsurpassed beauty and wealth, but as we can't all see matters alike, it would probably be well for father to come out & see the country before moving. The trip would be a pleasant one & would not cost very much. The fare is $49.25Editorial Note: $49.25 would be $1,441.33 in 2022. from Chicago here & the pleasantest & best route would be via, St Paul & Bismarck, where you would take stage for the Hills. If you & mother have any capital to invest you could more than double it in two years in any kind of investments. Everything here is awaiting more capital & society is almost as good as it is in the states.

Nellie is sick abedAs Written:a bed, but I think she will be up in a day or two. Your present to Miss Mary was handed over & the youngster is tickled to death about her grandmother, & says she is going to buy Earrings with it. GershomAs Written:Gershum, is quite a boy & a good child too.

We will be very impatient to hear from you, so write as soon as this is received.

Hoping to hear soon from you we will subscribe ourselves your Affectionate Children.
George W. Glover
Nellie Glover,
Direct letter to
Deadwood, Dakota TerritoryAs Written:D. T.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mother & Father:

Your letters bearing dates of July 25th & July 30thEditorial Note: These letters are not extant. were forwarded to us from FargoEditorial Note: Fargo, Dakota Territory & gave us great pleasure in hearing from you.

We have sold our property in Fargo & moved to Deadwood last spring, I having spent the year previous in the Black Hills.

After arriving here I purchased a lot within the city limits containing an acre of ground, pleasantly located & overlooking the heart of the city. We are [?] Unclear or illegible Editorial Note: probably "living" in a little log building but expect to put up a better one this fall. The location will give you plenty of room to join us either in one large fine building or in a separate one if you should prefer it.

Central City, Lead City & Deadwood are almost one continuous city & in a few years will be double their present size. They are large & wealthy enough to meet your wishes in regard to business.

The Hills are immensely rich in gold quartz & in agriculture & timber & climate are unsurpassed by any other country on the globe. The climate is milder & more pleasant than your New England home.

I have got up an attraction for gold by which I can not only locate gold leads beneath the surface of the ground, but can determine their width & richness. My attraction is purely a chemical one. On this principle I have been prospecting & opening mines all su [?] Unclear or illegible mmer & now have six or seven very rich mines. None of them are yet developed sufficient to sell, but in a month or so we expect to have one of them sufficiently opened up to sell at a pretty good figure, & by its sale develop the others & open new ones. If I had a little more money I could open a large number of very rich mines, & make one thousand bring a return of $10 000Editorial Note: $10,000 in 1879 would be $292,655.83 in 2022. or a $100 000Editorial Note: $100,000 in 1879 would be $2,926,558.33 in 2022..-

My wife & I would be very glad to have you come & make your home with us as long as you live, & we will endeavor to make everything as pleasant for you as possible. If we are as successful in our mines as we expect there will be nothing to prevent us from making you very comfortable.

[?] Unclear or illegible  I have no hesitancy in recommending this country to you as one of unsurpassed beauty and wealth, but as we can't all see matters alike, it would probably be well for father to come out & see the country before moving. The trip would be a pleasant one & would not cost very much. The fare is $49.25Editorial Note: $49.25 would be $1,441.33 in 2022. from Chicago here & the pleasantest & best route would be via, St Paul & Bismarck, where you would take stage for forAs Written:for the Hills. If you & mother have any capital to invest you could more than double it in two years in any kind of investments. Everything here is awaiting more capital & society is almost as good as it is in the states.

Nellie is sick a bedCorrected:abed, but I think she will be up in a day or two. Your present to Miss Mary was handed over & the youngster is tickled to death about her grandmother, & says she is going to buy Earrings with it. GershumCorrected:Gershom, is quite a boy & a good child too.

We will be very impatient to hear from you, so write as soon as this is received.

Hoping to hear soon from you we will subscribe ourselves your Affectionate Children.
George W. Glover
Nellie Glover,
Direct letter to
Deadwood, D. T.Expanded:Dakota Territory
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Deadwood, Dakota Territory These letters are not extant. Fargo, Dakota Territory probably "living" $10,000 in 1879 would be $292,655.83 in 2022. $100,000 in 1879 would be $2,926,558.33 in 2022. $49.25 would be $1,441.33 in 2022.