I received As Written: reseaved yours of the 22nd r& rest assured As Written: ashured i was glad to hear from you, you may think strange at my sending you a dispatch As Written: dispach but George knows my condition & i have been alone the last month as Mary is working at a hotelAs Written:hotell & much of the time i can scarcely As Written: scarsly cook for the children i am looking now to be sick every As Written: evry day. last Wednesday As Written: Wendsday night we came very near being all burnt up the fire broke out on the hills and as it was very windy it swept for miles over the hills our stable caught 2 or 3 times & the sparks flew all over town like snowflakesAs Written:snow flakes in a storm they brought the hose & drenched all the cabins on this street
little mary is sitting As Written: siting on her stool with mother's As Written: mothers letter singing to herself my Papa won't As Written: wont come home & papa will be sorry if he don't As Written: dont come home your partner's As Written: partners have taken in those [?] Unclear or illegible men & they are waiting for you to come home to make arrangementsAs Written:arangments where to go to work they are here every As Written: evry few days scolding because you don't As Written: dont come home As Written: hom Christmas & New YearsAs Written:Newyears passed very dull as i was all alone & the Children had no presents if you can on your way back stop & see father for he has been burnt out & is now talking of coming out here My Dear husband come As Written: com as soon as you can for i am almost dying to see you and the children talk of you constantly if you can't As Written: cant come drop me a card every As Written: evry few days for everybodyAs Written: evry body is getting tired of waiting on me & i have had only 10 dollarsEditorial Note: $10 in 1880 is equivalent to $286.92 in 2022. paid me from Mr Gafner GertyEditorial Note: Edward G. Glover, who usually went by his middle name Gershom says when he gets big he is going to fetch Pa home
As your Wife did not finish this Sheet I thought I would Say A few words in Regard to your Mines I had A talk with Robins the other day he Says they are pushing work on the Spruce Gulch Property day and night the Co has Put up $1,000Editorial Note: $1000 in 1880 is equivalent to $28,691.75 in 2022. to be expended on the Mines by February As Written: Febuary and Robins thinks by that time he will Make Sale of Some of the property So you had better try and get Home by that time so with Regards I am as Ever J. E. Moran