Accession: 202A.33.005
Editorial Title: Joseph S. Eastaman to Mary Baker Eddy, May 19, 1886
Author: Joseph S. Eastaman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 19, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Joseph S. Eastaman on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Mrs Eddy

I don't As Written: dont know what words can I use to express my heartfelt As Written: haeart felt thanks to you for what you have done for me= When I first wrote youEditorial Note: See 202A.33.001. nearly 18 months ago about entering your Class As Written: Clas to learn Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. - it was because I Could see my way to do much good to humanity= & also to extend the good CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. by Carrying it to Panama New YorkAs Written:N. Y.= Since then I have been so attached to you – the Church-Association and the Cause that I Concluded this to be my place and as you So kindly guide me to this good work I will be guided by you in All else and Shall not leave this cityEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts unless you so direct= for I know that what you wish and advise As Written: advice is for our good & for the good of God's As Written: Gods Cause= but in addition to teaching me such a great grand thing as C S is – you made me a Present of $170Editorial Note: $170.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $5,292.71 in 2022. yesterday for which I like to do Something (if you see that I can do anythingAs Written:any thing) I have always been Bold to my Duty & never feared anything in my 35 years of works on the Oceans – & though As Written: thoungh I have been Castaway As Written: Castawy & wrecked 12 times – yet here I am intact= & why because Master of my Situation As Written: Setuation & feared Nothing= So I am now Master of the Work of C. S. (for All my cases Show good results) yet to do anything on land I know not how= but anything I can do for the Cause I am ready to do & at your Service= Mrs E joins me in my offer & like me will be guided by you in all things= as she could not very well help her appointment with Mr Adams She would Show him the houses of the other ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientists in ChelseaEditorial Note: Chelsea, Massachusetts – but shall go no further – We remain Dear Madam and teacher Always at your Service in everything As Written: everythimg that pertains to Christian Science

J S Eastaman
with many thanks
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Mrs Eddy

I dont Corrected: don't know what words can I use to express my haeart felt Corrected: heartfelt thanks to you for what you have done for me= When I first wrote youEditorial Note: See 202A.33.001. nearly 18 months ago about entering your Clas Corrected: Class to learn C. S.Expanded:Christian Science - it was because I Could see my way to do much good to humanity= & also to extend the good CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. by Carrying it to Panama N. Y.Expanded:New York= Since then I have been so attached to you – the Church-Association and the Cause that I Concluded this to be my place and as you So kindly guide me to this good work I will be guided by you in All else and Shall not leave this cityEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts unless you so direct= for I know that what you wish and advice Corrected: advise is for our good & for the good of Gods Corrected: God's Cause= but in addition to teaching me such a great grand thing as C S is – you made me a Present of $170Editorial Note: $170.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $5,292.71 in 2022. yesterday for which I like to do Something (if you see that I can do any thingCorrected:anything) I have always been Bold to my Duty & never feared anything in my 35 years of works on the Oceans – & thoungh Corrected: though I have been Castawy Corrected: Castaway & wrecked 12 times – yet here I am intact= & why because Master of my Setuation Corrected: Situation & feared Nothing= So I am now Master of the Waork of C. S. (for All my cases Show good results) yet to do anything on land I know not how= but anything I can do for the Cause I am ready to do & at your Service= Mrs E joins me in my offer & like [?] Unclear or illegible  me will be guided by you in all things= as she could not very well help her appointment with Mr Adams She would Show him the houses of the other ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientists in ChelseaEditorial Note: Chelsea, Massachusetts – but shall go no further – We remain Dear Madam and teacher Always at your Service in everythimg Corrected: everything that pertains to Christian Science

J S Eastaman
with many thanks
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See 202A.33.001. The cause of Christian Science. Boston, Massachusetts $170.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $5,292.71 in 2022. Christian Scientists Chelsea, Massachusetts