New YorkAs Written:N.Y.
Nov 19th/84
I simply send Gen’l McNeils letterEditorial Note: See 78B.76.012. to show you that I did my duty in your cause. Please do not use it in any way It is only for your eye. Now dear I once interested Mrs Holloway who wrote “Ladies of the White House” & she wrote an article for the EagleEditorial Note: Brooklyn Eagle for me in your favor She has promised to write you & try with me for a class in Brooklyn I will offer her house She is to write again & I have let her have your books I introduce her as a woman capable of doing you great benefit. I must first go to Washington & see about business I left last year. I have finished my Portrait of Mrs Gaines & it all right.
Now Darling I thank you for your beautiful presents. I shall wear them with pleasure because they are the gift of my Darling friend I hope for the best dear I am glad you wroteEditorial Note: See L14021. the Editor With much love, & many kisses dear one.
How are our friends, & where?