Accession: 236.38.005
Editorial Title: Laura E. Sargent to Mary Baker Eddy, November 11, 1884
Author: Laura E. Sargent 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 11, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Laura E. Sargent on lined paper from Oconto, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

Your most welcome letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was received some days ago and I thank you very much for writing. I felt the full force of your remark that “delay is dangerous” and I know from the experiences of the past week that if we do not go at once I fear we shall not go for a long time for all business here is about at a standstillAs Written:stand still times will be very hard here this winter and our husbands will need every dollar for their business.

Mrs Pendleton has succeeded in getting help so she could leave now and there is a lady from Fort Howard who will go she is worthy and is very much interested. the only objections with them all is the fact that the expense of the journey and board will be so much that they do not feel as if they could possibly pay full tuition. My dear Teacher I do hope you will make some reduction for them so we can enter your next class. I do so earnestly long to have this blessed Truth learned right and by some who will be honest in working for our dear MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ and these dear ones are. I feel that you will have no occasion to be disappointed in them and if they go Mrs McDonald and I will go with them so you will have five from the West. dear Teacher I feel that we must go. it is so necessary. Will you please answer at once and also state what time you expect to open another class so we can be ready to start at a moments notice. How my heart goes out to you my dear Teacher and the thought that perhaps I may see your dear face soon fills me with joy. May God bless you is my sincere prayer

Your loving student
Laura E. Sargent
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

Your most welcome letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was received some days ago and I thank you very much for writing. I felt the full force of your remark that “delay is dangerous” and I know from the experiences of the past week that if we do not go at once I fear we shall not go for a long time for all business here is about at a stand stillCorrected:standstill times will be very hard here this winter and our husbands will need every dollar for their business.

Mrs Pendleton has succeeded in getting help so she could leave now and there is a lady from Fort Howard who will go she is worthy and is very much interested. the only objections with them all is the fact that the expense of the journey and board will be so much that they do not feel as if they could possibly pay full tuition. My dear Teacher I do hope you will make some reduction for them so we can enter your next class. I do so earnestly long to have this blessed Truth learned right and by some who will be honest in working for our dear MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ and these dear ones are. I feel that you will have no occasion to be disappointed in them and if they go Mrs McDonald and I will go with them so you will have five from the West. dear Teacher I feel that we must go. it is so necessary. Will you please answer at once and also state what time you expect to open another class so we can be ready to start at a moments notice. How my heart goes out to you my dear Teacher and the thought that perhaps I may see your dear face soon fills me with joy. May God bless you is my sincere prayer

Your loving student
Laura E. Sargent
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Oconto, Wisconsin This letter is not extant. Jesus Christ