Mrs Crosse telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. and yoursEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. this morning, has placed me in a very difficult situation.
My whole arrangement is complete to have the class hereEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin. also parties who come from a distant part of this stateEditorial Note: Wisconsin are on the way here now, will not go to Chicago. When I received your Dispatch announcing you started at 6.00 PM via Fitchburg. I then notified all that you were en-route, and it is now too As Written: to late to stop some of them, and change to Chicago. Were you here, and understood the situation you would see the wisdom of my plan. I do not like to regret a decision, for the time is too precious for such. God knows I have tried to work for his causeEditorial Note: Christian Science. in this: and not be influenced by selfish desires:
Please understand I do not arrogate to myself any superiority: when I suggest, the wide difference of conducting such matters here, and at your College.
People are selfish, unintentionally, and look to get their money’s As Written: moneys worth. They come to Boston, and confident of seeing you, before entering a class, or paying money. Here it is different, and until people know, and see you, they will not pay any money. Chicago is worse than Milwaukee, for a more grasping class you would not wish to meet.
Now I have those coming from a distance, different from those in the city, whom As Written: whoom you will enjoy teaching. My design was as soon as you arrived to place before you the situation (as I cannot write it) have you give a Lecture on ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, to a number; who will join the class I know immediately after. Your presence here before the class begins, is a guarantee of great success. this I know. I could not get any positive promises from those in Chicago, that I could in Milwaukee, even if I had the class there. Of the treachery selfishness Etc, of the Sherman’sEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman, and Mrs Silsbee, of which I have positive proof, I will not write, though they are ignorant of my knowledge of it. for I did not purpose anything to interfere with the success of the causeEditorial Note: Christian Science..
And now my friend, as the situation is before us, there is but one way out of it. – Telegraph me on receipt of this, if you will come to Milwaukee, when you start, what day you arrive in Chicago and what road you come to Milwaukee from Chicago. I would advise coming to Milwaukee via Chicago Mil - & St Paul. RailroadAs Written:RR.
The Boats are now running from Grand Haven to Milwaukee, & you can now make the trip for $19.00Editorial Note: $19.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $526.09 in 2017. to Milwaukee over the Vermont Central & Grand Trunk RailroadAs Written:RR. the same road you purchased your tickets by.
If you decide not to come to Milwaukee but Chicago; telegraph, and I will do the best I can, delay your coming a few days until I can arrange matters for it.
If you are not to come at all, will you send me a letter of permission to teach those who come a distance, and then we will come to Boston for future arrangements.
In conclusion let me state what, under the circumstances is to be done Change your tickets for direct to Milwaukee via Grand Haven by Boat. Start on receipt of this. Telegraph me of it. By this route you branch off the Grand Trunk at Detroit, and a far pleasanter one than through Chicago. Be sure to telegraph on receipt of this if you have started what route, when you will arrive Etc.
After Mrs Silsbees interview with you she wrote all over the country that you were coming West, and to Chicago.