Accession: 237AP2.38.009
Editorial Title: Silas J. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, October 10, 1885
Author: Silas J. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 10, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Silas J. Sawyer on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I write expressly to thank you for your approval of my thought in "Christian Science." It was not that I desired to make myself conspicuous or see my name in print, that induced me to contribute a miteEditorial Note: Silas J. Sawyer had two articles published in The Christian Science Journal around this time. “The Unity of Mind and Body” was published on pages 89-90 of the August 1885 issue, and “The Mind that Heals” appeared on pages 123-124 of the October 1885 issue. for our Journal; but to test myself whether I am growing. in the understanding of your teachings.

From the day I pledged you my future work should be for this glorious causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., I have never deviated, even amidst temptation's As Written: temptations efforts; or moved from the one path marked out by divine science. My prayer has been, and is now, for HimEditorial Note: God to lead me, and that whatever enterprise I may undertake shall be for "Christian Science," and not for self. I have greatly desired to come to you for a normal course; not for myself as an individual; but if it would promote the interests of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, I w as willing, and am now desirous to make any effort and sacrifice do so.

I am rejoiced that so many are taking the normal course; if they will only teach as they are instructed to do, we may soon hope for more spirituality even in our ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. I had hoped I could be with you in September that I might lay before you what our works hereEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and its results have been. The country is thronging with "mind-curers," mesmerists, spiritualists, all crusading under the name of Metaphysics, and in all of which there is no more spirituality than to matter itself. I had congratulated myself that my students had escaped the infection; but a few days since I learned that one of my first, Mrs Hill, through the pernicious influence of Mrs Silsbee was mixing up EvansismEditorial Note: This is a reference to the teachings of Warren Felt Evans. with her earlier teachings.

My wife is now quite positive that Mrs Silsbee is the cause of the recent visit of Mrs Newman to ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois and this cityEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In Mrs N- s visit here, she related many awful lies about you, and ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists, which, when my students reported to me, I instructed them to take up, both Mrs N- & S- as malicious. Was that correct?

There have, two obstacles arisen that seem to prevent my coming to you this fall. Finances are one, but the least important. The other; and which seems gathering greater proportions, is the work of "mind-curers." and such as Mrs Newman, Silsbee and others of the same stripe. Just here I wish to offer an opinion in relation to what I have foreseen of the premeditated attempts of Mr Swarts of Chicago. I fail to discover by his writings, that he has grasped the Spirit of the teachings of "Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, Again he is thrusting Prof Swarts forward too As Written: to much, as the one expected to be chosen the leader in a grand scheme of union of "mind-curers, metaphysicians, BekleyitesEditorial Note: Possibly refers to followers of the teachings of George Berkeley., Swedenbor-giansEditorial Note: Followers of the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg., Spiritualists, and a whole motley crowd of deluded followers; also working by flattery, or fine speeches to win over Christian Scientists to join. I may be mistaken, but if words have any meaning; his language points in that direction.

I may say to you now, that whatever has been reported to you in the past, (and I have been aware of much that was falsely written you) or, that may be repeated in the future of my attitude As Written: atitude in "Christian Science", believe only that which. says I have never wavered from working for it, and in it, just as you taught me, and just as I pledged my God, and your As Written: you God; and that is the upbuilding of a pure spiritual cause, such as I undoubtedly believe Christian Science to be. My method may differ; but our Principle is the same, and works for the same purpose, and if I can see for a moment wherein my method is not right, I shall abandon it.

Thus the Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute is only to subserve a subordinate purpose, and no student that has received instructions therein, can say that we professed to teach aught but the rudiments; that we were capable of imparting only what we could and have demonstrated.

Very dearly would I love to go out and put this Truth before the world, for I believe not only one, but hundreds should prepare themselves, and go forth for this very purpose. In such an enterprise the money consideration may not play any part; and then those who wished to become teachers must come to you and be rightly prepared. such a method must necessarily contribute to hold healing of sin and sickness more to a spiritual basis, which ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science purposes.

I can but believe that such a method of placing divine science before the public will prove the most effectual weapon to wipe out mal-teaching and mal-practice of whatever name.

To come to you for further instruction, is that I may become more proficient in the theology of christian healing; and when I can lead a mortal to a higher understanding of God and himself through such instruction; and to hear a student exclaim, as one did in my last class, "I have just found what God is; and he is my God," money would be a poor reward. I am more than paid in the realization As Written: reallization that God has spoken through me. From this you may understand how anxious I am to come to B-Editorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, but here is my reason for again postponing; I learned Saturday that Mrs Newman is in Milwaukee, and that she is working to get up a class among some excellent people. How to defeat her object, or counteract its effect was the question. I propose to lease the lecture room of a church in the very midst of these people, and begin a course of free lectures upon mental healing. I have some personal friends in that locality, some are members of an influential organization "The Womans Club." which club receives special invitations to attend.

I have a favor to ask, and it is your prayers for the successful issue of this effort, and the discomfiture of all enemies of Christ. Be assured there is no vindictive spirit in our effort; for I would prefer to take Mrs Newman by the hand; and bid her welcome, if she would give me the opportunity. as a ChristianAs Written:christian. I trust you may comprehend this hastily written message, but I have so much I wished to say. I fear it is very disconnected.

Mrs Sawyer unites in love, and prayers for the prosperity of you and yours.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I write expressly to thank you for your approval of my thought in "Christian Science." It was not that I desired to make myself conspicuous or see my name in print, that induced me to contribute a miteEditorial Note: Silas J. Sawyer had two articles published in The Christian Science Journal around this time. “The Unity of Mind and Body” was published on pages 89-90 of the August 1885 issue, and “The Mind that Heals” appeared on pages 123-124 of the October 1885 issue. for our Journal; but to test myself whether I am growing. in the understanding of your teachings.

From the day I pledged you my future work should be for this glorious causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., I have never deviated, even amidst temptations Corrected: temptation's efforts; or moved from the one path marked out by divine science. My prayer has been, and is now, for HimEditorial Note: God to lead me, and that whatever enterprise I may undertake shall be for "Christian Science," and not for self. I have greatly desired to come to you for a normal course; not for myself as an individual; but if it would promote the interests of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, I wo as willing, and am now desirous to make any effort and sacrifice do so.

I am rejoiced that so many are taking the normal course; if they will only teach as they are instructed to do, we may soon hope for more spirituality even in our ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. I had hoped I could be with you in September that I might lay before you what our works hereEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and its results have been. The country is thronging with "mind-curers," mesmerists, spiritualists, all crusading under the name of Metaphysics, and in all of which there is no more spirituality than to matter itself. I had congratulated myself that my students had escaped the infection; but a few days since I learned that one of my first, Mrs Hill, through the pernicious influence of Mrs Silsbee was mixing up EvansismEditorial Note: This is a reference to the teachings of Warren Felt Evans. with her earlier teachings.

My wife is now quite positive that Mrs Silsbee is the cause of the recent visit of Mrs Newman to ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois and this cityEditorial Note: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In Mrs N- s visit here, she related many awful lies about you, and ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists, which, when my students reported to me, I instructed them to take up, both Mrs N- & S- as malicious. Was that correct?

There are have, two obstacles arisen that seem to prevent my coming to you this fall. Finances are one, but the least important. The other; and which seems gathering greater proportions, is the work of "mind-curers." and such as Mrs Newman, Silsbee and others of the same stripe. Just here I wish to offer an opinion in relation to what I have foreseen of the premeditated attempts of Mr Swarts of Chicago. I fail to discover by his writings, that he has grasped the Spirit of the teachings of "Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, Again he is thrusting Prof Swarts forward to Corrected: too much, as the one expected to be chosen the leader in a gruand scheme of union of "mind-curers, metaphysicians, BekleyitesEditorial Note: Possibly refers to followers of the teachings of George Berkeley., Swedenbor-giansEditorial Note: Followers of the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg., Spiritualists, and a whole motley crowd of deluded followers; also working by flattery, or fine speeches to win over Christian Scientists to join. I may be mistaken, but if words have any meaning; his language points in that direction.

I may say to you now, that whatever has been reported to you in the past, (and I have been aware of much that was falsely written you) or, that may be repeated in the future of my atitude Corrected: attitude in "Christian Science", believe only that which. says I have never wavered from working for it, and in it, just as you taught me, and just as I pledged my God, and you Corrected: your God; and that is the upbuilding of a pure spiritual cause, such as I undoubtedly believe Chisristian Science to be. My method may differ; but our Principle is the same, and works for the same purpose, and if I can see for a moment wherein my method is not right, I shall abandon it.

Thus the Wisconsin Metaphysical Institute is only to subserve a subordinate purpose, and no student that has received instructions therein, can say that we professed to teach aught but the rudiments; that we were capable of imparting only what we could and have demonstrated.

Very dearly would I love to go out and put this Truth before the world, for I believe not only one, but hundreds should prepare themselves, and go forth for this very purpose. In such an enterprise the money consideration may not play any part; and then those who wished to become teachers must come to you and be rightly prepared. such a method must necessarily contribute to hold healing of sin and sickness more to a spiritual basis, which ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science purposes.

I can but believe that such a method of placing divine science before the public will prove the most effectual weapon to wipe out mal-teaching and mal-practice of whatever name.

To come to you for further instruction, is that I may become more proficient in the theology of christian healing; and when I can lead a mortal to a higher understanding of God and himself through such instruction; asnd to hear a student exclaim, as one did in my last class, "I have just found what God is; and he is my God," money would be a poor reward. I am more than paid in the reallization Corrected: realization that God has spoken through me. From this you may understand how anxious I am to come to B-Editorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, but here is my resason for again postponing; I learned Saturday that Mrs Newman is in Milwaukee, and that she is working to get up a class among some excellent people. How to defeat her object, or counteract its effect was the question. I propose to lease a the lecture room of a church in the very midst of these people, and begin a course of free lectures upon mental healing. I have some personal friends in that locality, some are members of an influential organization "The Womans Club." which club receives [?] Unclear or illegible  special invitations to attend.

I have a favor to ask, and it is your prayers for the successful n issue of this effort, and the discomfiture of all enemies of Christ. Be assured there is no vindictive spirit in our effort; for I would prefer to take Mrs Newman by the hand; and bid her welcome, if she would give me the opportunity. as a christianCorrected:Christian. I trust you may comprehend this hastily written message, but I have so much I wished to say. I fear it is very disconnected.

Mrs Sawyer unites in love, and prayers for the prosperity of you and yours.

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Silas J. Sawyer had two articles published in The Christian Science Journal around this time. “The Unity of Mind and Body” was published on pages 89-90 of the August 1885 issue, and “The Mind that Heals” appeared on pages 123-124 of the October 1885 issue. The cause of Christian Science. God Christian Science Christian Scientists Milwaukee, Wisconsin This is a reference to the teachings of Warren Felt Evans. Chicago, Illinois Milwaukee, Wisconsin Christian Scientists Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Possibly refers to followers of the teachings of George Berkeley. Followers of the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Christian Science Boston, Massachusetts