Accession: 237AP2.38.018
Editorial Title: Silas J. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, April 28, 1886
Author: Silas J. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 28, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Silas J. Sawyer on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your very kind favor of the 20thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. at hand, also the notice of Normal Class for May 3rd.

I thank you for your very excellent words, which I always endeavor to profit by; because I know you only speak for the good of the student, and our one CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science..

There is no element that has the tenacious hold like selfish ambition, and which I try to keep down. If our work is not redounding to the success of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, the earlier we are aware of it the better for us.

I will not take time to tell you of the encouraging aspect of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in Milwaukee, and the success of our public lecture, as we hope to soon see you face to face.

We were in the midst of a well-laid As Written: well laid field of labor when your invitation to the Normal Class arrived; but believing we could receive from you that which would facilitate our method, and strengthen the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. here, we postponed further effort until our return.

And now my teacher, there is an embarrassing feature to me, that I wish to speak of before we join the class; that is the financial part. If I am to infer by bro- Frye sending notice of the date on one of your printed forms, that I must pay the $100.00Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021.. I shall be unable to come.

In my teaching, I have taken so many notes, and promises to pay, I find myself, now, when I need it, unable to get it. The expense of the trip to B–Editorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for two of usEditorial Note: Silas J. Sawyer and Jennie E. Sawyer, will exhaust all ready means. I cannot make any promises of when I could pay, because I have nothing I can depend upon for a certainty.

If under these circumstances you desire to us to come, please telegraph me on receipt of this, as we ought to leave here Friday in order to be in Boston Sunday night. Can you give us room at the College.

Your student in Truth & Love
S J. Sawyer & wife.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your very kind favor of the 20thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. at hand, also the notice of Normal Class for May 3rd.

I thank you for your very excellent words, which I always endeavor to profit by; because I know you only speak for the good of the student, and our one CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science..

There is no element that has the tenacious hold like selfish ambition, and which I try to keep down. If our work is not redounding to the success of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, the earlier we are aware of it the better for us.

I will not take time to tell you of the encouraging aspect of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in Milwaukee, and the success of our public lecture, as we hope to soon see you face to face.

We were in the midst of a well laid Corrected: well-laid field of labor when your invitation to the Normal Class arrived; but believing we could receive from you that which would facilitate our method, and strengthen the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. here, we postponed further effort until our return.

And now my teacher, there is an embarrassing feature to me, that I wish to speak of before we join the class; that is the financial part. If I am to infer by bro- Frye sending notice of the date on one of your printe [?] Unclear or illegible d forms, that I must pay the $100.00Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021.. I shall be unable to come.

In my teaching, I have taken so many notes, and promises to pay, I find myself, now, when I need it, unable to get it. The expense of the trip to B–Editorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for two of usEditorial Note: Silas J. Sawyer and Jennie E. Sawyer, will exhaust all ready means. I cannot make any promises of when I could pay, because I have nothing I can depend upon for a certainty.

If under these circumstances you desire to us to come, please telegraph me on receipt of this, as we ought to leave here Friday in order to be in Boston Sunday night. Can you give us room at the College.

Your student in Truth & Love
S J. Sawyer & wife.
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This letter is not extant. The cause of Christian Science. Christian Science Christian Science The cause of Christian Science. $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $2,882.66 in 2021. Boston, Massachusetts Silas J. Sawyer and Jennie E. Sawyer