Accession: 243.39.006
Editorial Title: Arthur T. Buswell to Mary Baker Eddy, June 3, 1881
Author: Arthur T. Buswell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 3, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Arthur T. Buswell on lined paper from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Editorial Note: Buswell is responding to a letter from Eddy (not extant). He says he has been considering for months the surest way of introducing Christian Science so it will stand "the test of time." He writes that he is daily putting it to silent tests. Buswell wishes he could see Eddy frequently so that he could do more to further the work. He refers to an "inclosed statement," although this is not included with the letter. From his description, the statement would seem to be an oath, which other students of Christian Science were asked to sign around this time (L09059).
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