You letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. came last eve, and was, as usual, the most welcome of all.
I was much pleased to meet our sister in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science– Mrs. Rice. We had our "feast of reason and flow of soul"Editorial Note: This line comes from Alexander Pope in Imitations of Horace. , as the Unitarians say.
She gave me much interesting news concerning dear old BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, and our Science, and I was sincerely thankful that Providence prepared As Written: prepaired the "feast." We spoke of what "might have been" had you left Jerusalem – Boston, but we can but think that our Spiritual warfare is best conducted on the actual campground As Written: camp-ground of the enemy, especially when they have invaded our domain; and repeated attack and as oft repeated victory has proven our leader capable of holding the position she has taken.
Glad you are free from the task of penning pictures for Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and more glad that suffering humanity are to have a second edition. Trust the grammatical As Written: gramatical construction may suit the most fastidious intellect. I sometimes think it harder to reason with an "intellectual" person, than one of extreme sensuality.
Please send me the work complete, for which I will remit beforehand if you will write me its price.
I feel as though the time is surely coming when I can wear the Yoke easily and do valiant service, with a complete surrender of worldly As Written: wortdly matters.
You speak of students healing the PresidentEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to James A. Garfield, President of the United States who was shot on July 2, 1881, and died September 19, 1881.; this is a question I have often met with in discharging my duties, viz: is it just right to treat an M. D's patient and say nothing about it, does it not encourage As Written: incourage ignorance, error and the medical profession? Please let me hear from you in this & other particulars. Do you get the papers I send?
Love to Dr. Eddy & all.