Accession: 243.39.022
Editorial Title: Arthur T. Buswell to Mary Baker Eddy, April 25, 1884
Author: Arthur T. Buswell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 25, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Arthur T. Buswell on his lined printed stationery from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy,

Enclosed As Written: Inclosed is a letter which came enclosed As Written: inclosed with one to me this afternoon.

Today I have called upon Dr. Bartol who has been importuned to preach another sermon upon Christian healing, and has decided to do so. It will be preached on the 4th of May one week from next sunday.

The Rev. Doctor has Promised to call upon you. I gave him your professionalAs Written:prof. card and trust you will not fail to see him, and if you think best, present your works.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings.

A number of prominent people, among them Mrs. Horace Mann, Miss Peabody and Mrs. Stewart of Hyde parkEditorial Note: Hyde Park, (if it be right to call her prominent) have signed a request asking him to have his sermon published.


Mon amour.

Your Student
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy,

Inclosed Corrected: Enclosed is a letter which came inclosed Corrected: enclosed with one to me this afternoon.

Today I have called upon Dr. Bartol who has been importuned to preach another sermon upon Christian healing, and has decided to do so. It will be preached on the 4th of May one week from next sunday.

The Rev. Doctor has Promised to call upon you. I gave him your prof.Expanded:professional card and trust you will not fail to see him, and if you think best, present your works.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings.

A number of prominent people, among them Mrs. Horace Mann, Miss Peabody and Mrs. Stewart of Hyde parkEditorial Note: Hyde Park, (if it be right to call her prominent) have signed a request asking him to have his sermon published.


Mon amour.

Your Student
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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings. Hyde Park