Accession: 277.41.005
Editorial Title: Jennie B. Fenn to Mary Baker Eddy, June 18, 1885
Author: Jennie B. Fenn 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 18, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jennie B. Fenn on embossed lined paper from Omaha, Nebraska.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear beloved Teacher,

Your letter of June 10thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. receivedAs Written:recd, I can’t As Written: cant tell you the good it did me, I am truly thankfulAs Written:thank full for all advice that comes from your dear self, for I know that it means nothing but good, a letter from Dear Mrs Hopkins and Brother Frye did me good, I had a letter from Mrs Campbell this morning this is the (2) one I have receivedAs Written:recd from her since they are in "New York" she mentioned As Written: menthioned that Col Smith called As Written: calld to see them on his way to WashingtonEditorial Note: Washington, D.C., Brother Frye writes that you wish my certificate. I will send it in this mail, Dear Mrs Eddy I am doing a good work here new patients coming everydayAs Written:every day two left me this morning made whole by the Truth, I can’t As Written: cant tell you how rejoiced I feel when I can bring them into the divine truth of God, I am determined that there shall be but one mind and I have no other, as for disease, I know there is none As Written: non and I will not allow my patients to talk disease As Written: desease to me no longer than I can bring them to understand otherwise, I feel dear that I know so little in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but what you have taught me. I know is true, and I stick close As Written: clost to the truth and do notAs Written:donot say one word more than what I understand to be the truth, my great desire is and always has been since I come out in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is to heal instantaneously, Mrs Campbell tells me they are not doingAs Written:doeing anythingAs Written:any thing in New York at all, I wrote and asked them to come here, but they thought they would try it there for a while longer, Who is this Miss or Mrs Wilkes" that I see by the Journal is from Nebraska Oh I shall be so glad to have someoneAs Written:some one here or near that I can talk to As Written: too once in a while dear Mrs Eddy I feel this long distance more than the rest of you I think, my thoughts are with you all there at the college many times a dayAs Written:aday the many pleasant As Written: plesent remembrances of that time in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts is so very dear to me, are there many subscribers for the Journal, I feel interested of course how it will yet on.

With much love to all in the College,

I am your loving As Written: loveing Student
Mrs E. B. Fenn,
2720 Leavenworth St,

P.S. dear Mrs Eddy, would you please tell Mrs Hopkins, to have my card changed in the Journal so that outsideAs Written:out side people As Written: peopal will know Just where to come or find me, 2720 Leavenworth St,

Omaha NebraskaAs Written:Neb -

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear beloved Teacher,

Your letter of June 10thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. recdExpanded:received, I cant Corrected: can’t tell you the good it did me, I am truly thank fullCorrected:thankful for all advice that comes from your dear self, for I know that it means nothing but good, a letter from Dear Mrs Hopkins and Brother Frye did me good, I had a letter from Mrs Campbell this morning this is the (2) one I have recdExpanded:received from her since they are in "New York" she menthioned Corrected: mentioned that Col Smith calld Corrected: called to see them on his way to WashingtonEditorial Note: Washington, D.C., Brother Frye writes that you wish my certificate. I will send it in this mail, Dear Mrs Eddy I am doing a good work here new patients coming every dayCorrected:everyday two left me this morning made whole by the Truth, I cant Corrected: can’t tell you how rejoiced I feel when I can bring them into the divine truth of God, I am determined that there shall be but one mind and I have no other, as for disease, I know there is non Corrected: none and I will not allow my patients to talk desease Corrected: disease to me no longer than I can bring them to understand otherwise, I feel dear that I know so little in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but what you have taught me. I know is true, and I stick clost Corrected: close to the truth and donotCorrected:do not say one word more than what I understand to be the truth, my great desire is and always has been since I come out in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is to heal instantaneously, Mrs Campbell tells me they are not doeingCorrected:doing any thingCorrected:anything in New York at all, I wrote and asked them to come here, but they thought they would try it there for a while longer, Who is this Miss or Mrs Wilkes" that I see by the Journal is from Nebraska Oh I shall be so glad to have some oneCorrected:someone here or near that I can talk too Corrected: to once in a while dear Mrs Eddy I feel this long distance more than the rest of you I think, my thoughts are with you all there at the college many times adayCorrected:a day the many plesent Corrected: pleasant remembrances of that time in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts is so very dear to me, are there many subscribers for the Journal, I feel interested of course how it will yet on.

With much love to all in the College,

I am your loveing Corrected: loving Student
Mrs E. B. Fenn,
2720 Leavenworth St,

P.S. dear Mrs Eddy, would you please tell Mrs Hopkins, to have my card changed in the Journal so that out sideCorrected:outside peopal Corrected: people will know Just where to come or find me, 2720 Leavenworth St,

Omaha NebExpanded:Nebraska -

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Omaha, Nebraska This letter is not extant. Washington, D.C. Christian Science Christian Science Boston, Massachusetts