Accession: 302.43.001
Editorial Title: Emily M. Meader to Mary Baker Eddy, December 16, 1881
Author: Emily M. Meader 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 16, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emily M. Meader on embossed lined paper from East Somerville, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Meader is grateful for the wonderful views of Life that Mary Baker Eddy's book, Science and Health, has brought to her. She had never seen Eddy until hearing her speak at Clara E. Choate's rooms in Boston, and had only recently learned of Science and Health, but she hopes to have a personal interview with Eddy. She has been an invalid for fourteen years, under the care of skillful physicians. She'd reached a dark place in her life and had no hope of regaining health when Science and Health was placed in her hands. The truth it contains came to her with such force that she was almost overwhelmed. She sent for Clara E. Choate, and under Choate's care she is being restored to health. She writes that she has many questions she would like to ask Eddy and also many moments of doubt. Yet she still feels that she is being resurrected in body and mind. She says that she would come to an interview with Eddy in a spirit of reverence, as she values Science and Health right alongside her Bible. She predicts that it will shine brighter and brighter with the passage of years. She closes by asking if there's a day and time when she could call on Eddy at her home in Lynn and expressing her hopes for a bright future.
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