Accession: 302.43.002
Editorial Title: Emily M. Meader to Mary Baker Eddy, March 8, 1882
Author: Emily M. Meader 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 8, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emily M. Meader on lined paper from East Somerville, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Meader says she does not know where to send a letter to Mary Baker Eddy (Eddy was on a trip to Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia at this time), so she is giving her letter to Clara E. Choate to send to Eddy. Meader goes on to express gratitude for Christian Science and the magnitude of Mary Baker Eddy's work in establishing it. Meader acknowledges that Eddy's presence is with her through the ideas in Science and Health. Meader believes it is only Eddy's calm trust in God that enables her to carry on her work. She expresses great love and support for Eddy and hopes for a baptism of the Spirit in order to enable her to help carry on more effectively the work of Christian Science. Meader's health has not yet been fully established. Her troubles have been numerous and complicated, and she says that false beliefs cling to one with tenacity, but she continues the fight. Meader praises the dedication of Clara E. Choate and the great success that Choate has had in promoting Christian Science while Eddy has been away. Meader hopes that Eddy, while on her trip, is being strengthened, comforted, and blessed, and that the students will soon welcome her on her return to Boston. Meader asks pardon if her letter is to long, but says it is hard to practice brevity when the inexhaustible subject is Christian Science. She closes by quoting the first verse of the ninety-first Psalm.
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