Accession: 304.43.003
Editorial Title: Caroline D. Noyes to Mary Baker Eddy, December 19, 1883
Author: Caroline D. Noyes 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 19, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Caroline D. Noyes on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy-

I have made an effort to learn something in regard to the article you speak of and I have been unable to do so- I went into the TribuneEditorial Note: Chicago Tribune Office one of the leading Papers here and could learn nothing of it- and I have made inquiries in other directions- I am very sorry that I can give you no more definite information in regard to it– I was not aware of Dr Arnes- visit here I don't As Written: dont know the man by sight I never saw him- He must have kept rather quiet while here for I have some very good sources of information from People who are interested in this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and none of them had heard of his visit- Dr Osgood has one Student here who went from this CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois to study with him a Mrs Coursen- she probably would know of it- I have never met her- you know that I have no sympathy with anyone who can pervert this Science As Written: Scienc and I think that fact must be known- I think Mrs Coursen must be smart as I understand Dr Osgood offered her two hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $200.00 in 1883 is the equivalent of $5,365.75 in 2021. per month to stay with him-

Not knowing the object of Mrs Choates visit here- whether it is to Practice Lecture or instruct I did not feel competent to advise in the matter- Of course we all know that the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. needs good workers everywhere there cannotAs Written:can not be too many of them but as regards the kind of work why good healers must be the kind that are most needed at this time- Cures are the most convincing arguments- I find the People here are not inclined to take much notice of words your work must make your way- the reputation that Dr Sherman had acquired has been no help to us if the People couldn't As Written: couldnt have him they would have no one- It has done no good to tell them this is the same kind of treatment- We have had to begin at the beginning and make our own way- Miss Brown and I are no longer together but we are within a friendly distance of each other- We get along better this way it is more pleasant– I hope it will be a long time before we have any Element here that is not all right but as there can be no great Good without its accompanying Evil we should be prepared to meet it- I have learned a great deal in that direction from experience as I was attacked with Typhoid Symptoms when I first came out here before I sent for Miss Brown and was sick in Bed three days and I had the very best Metaphysical treatment and grew worse until I happened to think it might be a mesmeric argument and we took up that and I was well in a half hour- In a week or ten days after that while on a visit to my Brother in Wisconsin I began seeing my own Corpse stretched out before my minds eys- that frightened me however it was soon destroyed and it would be very hard to frighten me now- my experience has been varied–

I would like to have my Journal sent to my address 302 Washington Boulevard- I have not received As Written: recieved it for several months- And I would also like to know if you give your Graduates Diplomas and also if the letters C- S- are a degree or whether anyoneAs Written:any one practicing this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science have a right to use them- I have always regretted that I did not study with you- for without flattery I will say that I consider you the most "remarkable woman" in the world

Truly your Friend-
Mrs G. P. Noyes
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy-

I have made an effort to learn something in regard to the article you speak of and I have been unable to do so- I went into the TribuneEditorial Note: Chicago Tribune Office one of the leading Papers here and could learn nothing of it- and I have made inquiries in other directions- I am very sorry that I can give you no more definite information in regard to it– I was not aware of Dr Arnes- visit here I dont Corrected: don't know the man by sight I never saw him- He must have kept rather quiet while here for I have some very good sources of information from People who are interested in this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science and none of them had heard of his visit- Dr Osgood has one Student here who went from this CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois to study with him a Mrs Coursen- she probably would know of it- I have never met her- you know that I have no sympathy with anyone who can pervert this Scienc Corrected: Science and I think that fact must be known- I think Mrs Coursen must be smart as I understand Dr Osgood offered her two hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $200.00 in 1883 is the equivalent of $5,365.75 in 2021. per month to stay with him-

Not knowing the object of Mrs Choates visit here- whether it is to Practice Lecture or instruct I did not feel competent to advise in the matter- Of course we all know that the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. needs good workers everywhere there can notCorrected:cannot be too many of them but as regards the kind of work why good healers must be the kind that are most needed at this time- Cures are the most convincing arguments- I find the People here are not inclined to take much notice of talk words your work must make your way- the reputation that Dr Sherman had acquired has been no help to us if the People couldnt Corrected: couldn't have him they would have no one- It has done no good to tell them this is the same kind of treatment- We have had to begin at the beginning and make our own way- Miss Brown and I are no longer together but we are within a friendly distance of each other- We get along better this way it is more pleasant– I hope it will be a long time before we have any Element here that is not all right but as there can be no great Good without its accompanying Evil we should be prepared to meet it- I have learned a great deal in that direction from experience as I was attacked with Typhoid Symptoms when I first came out here before I sent for Miss Brown and was sick in Bed three days and I had the very best Metaphysical treatment and grew worse until I happened to think it might be a mesmeric argument and we took up that and I was well in a half hour- iIn a week or ten days after that while on a visit to my Brother in Wisconsin I began seeing my own Corpse strecttched out before my minds eys- that frightened me however it was soon destroyed and it would be very hard to frighten me now- my experience has been varied–

I would like to have my Journal sent to my address 302 Washington Boulevard- I have not recieved Corrected: received it for several months- IAnd I would also like to know if you give your Graduates Diplomas and also if the letters C- S- are a degree or whether any oneCorrected:anyone practicing this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science have a right to use them- I have always regretted that I did not study with you- for without flattery I will say that I consider you the most "remarkable woman" in the world

Truly your Friend-
Mrs G. P. Noyes
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Chicago, Illinois Chicago Tribune Christian Science Chicago, Illinois $200.00 in 1883 is the equivalent of $5,365.75 in 2021. The cause of Christian Science. Christian Science