Accession: 321.44.006
Editorial Title: Roger Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, November 11, 1883
Author: Roger Sherman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 11, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Roger Sherman on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Editorial Note: Sherman is replying to a letter, dated October 25, 1883, (V00790) that he received from Mary Baker Eddy. He lets Eddy know that the copies of her book, Science and Health, have arrived. Sherman will sell them at the retail price Eddy has requested. He adds that, since he first began studying Christian Science, he has wanted to take a class from Eddy at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, but thus far he has not been able to do so, and he is currently unable to get away to take a class because of his practice of Christian Science healing in Chicago.
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