I write at the express desire of a lady who studied with me previous to my trip east and who preferred that I should state her case to you. She has done but little in the work and can ill afford a course of instruction and asks if you would be disposed to make a reduction in terms to her.
I anticipate much pleasure, and benefit to the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. and to all its honest representatives from your proposed visitEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884. which I am sure cannot fail to elevate its standard higher and place it before the public in its true dignity.
I daily recall your instructions and appreciate the care and solicitude to place us all in Truth you showed while students in your classEditorial Note: Roger Sherman was a student in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on February 25, 1884.; efforts which are bearing fruit to me in increased understanding and demonstrations in healing.
From you pupil
P.S. Yours of the 21stEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. received As Written: recd