Accession: 321.44.021
Editorial Title: Bradford Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, April 28, 1884
Author: Bradford Sherman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 28, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Bradford Sherman on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Professor As Written: Prof M.B.G. Eddy
Dear Madam

Enclosed I hand you check on Am Ex Bank for amt (105.) One hundred and five DollarsEditorial Note: $105 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,907.34 in 2017. to pay your bill of 23rd inst.Editorial Note: This bill is not extant.

The goods are received in good order and satisfactory.

We had a pleasant call from Dr Sawyer Friday Eve last and we are pleased to know from him that the prospect of your visit to the westEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884. is so near at hand. Mrs Sherman and Miss Platt wish to be remembered with much love. and wishing you success in your great work. I am in truth

Your ObedientAs Written:Obt ServantAs Written:Servt
B. Sherman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Prof Expanded: Professor M.B.G. Eddy
Dear Madam

Enclosed I hand you check on Am Ex Bank for amt (105.) One hundred and five DollarsEditorial Note: $105 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,907.34 in 2017. to pay your bill of 23rd inst.Editorial Note: This bill is not extant.

The goods are received in good order and satisfactory.

We had a pleasant call from Dr Sawyer Friday Eve last and we are pleased to know from him that the prospect of your visit to the westEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884. is so near at hand. Mrs Sherman and Miss Platt wish to be remembered with much love. and wishing you success in your great work. I am in truth

Your ObtExpanded:Obedient ServtExpanded:Servant
B. Sherman
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$105 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,907.34 in 2017. This bill is not extant. Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884.