Accession: 321.44.062
Editorial Title: Martha E. Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, June 22, 1884
Author: Martha E. Sherman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 22, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Martha E. Sherman on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Related Topic: See L02530BClick link to view L02530B document in new window and L04095Click link to view L04095 document in new window to read Mary Baker Eddy’s letter to Clara Choate that is referenced in this letter.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy
My dear loved Teacher

Your dear letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was welcomed with loving hearts, from my sister and myself. I feel that you can almost hear me tell you. how much pleasure you gave us; It seemed as though your voice was near to us, and we had seen As Written: seene you face to face; when our little circle of loved ones gather at Evening quietly by ourselves. and talk upon your loved ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and the hours pass so rapidly: the wish is often expressed by one and all. could we only have you hereEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois with us. but we shall do all we can to help you in your noble work; and nothing shall be left undone in “Christian Science” that is in our power to do for you, my loved teacher. we know you are tossed on life’s stormy Sea. but from the sunlit shores of glory, a peaceful Heaven is yours, all your many trials will be encircled with a halo of your heavenly Father's As Written: Fathers . faithfulness and love. for you dear teacher are bearing seed and bringing sheaves to many. and the bountiful crop will bloom in the thickest glade of the forest up to heaven at last. when the stormy As Written: stomy waves are heaving: The cross points to paradise As Written: paridise , and all doubts cease, for Christ is your crown. He sits at the helm, guiding the tossed bark: and He guides it well, and wafts you, near to Heaven. I would like to hear if Mrs C answers your letterEditorial Note: See L02530B and L04095., I fell that she must accept your letterEditorial Note: See L02530B and L04095. of love. coming from truth’s As Written: truths altar As Written: alter . It will surely open to her the sunshine through all the darkness. her Spirit cannot As Written: can not help but bow to what is sincere, you are calling her from the drift that has settled along her life’s way. by your high intent and earnest aims. to the fountain within her soul.

Will she not emerge from darkness and from earthly pain to the open door of Joy? and turn unto the spirit more and more, leaving the dull shadows ever in the past and approach nearer Heaven: where you have taught As Written: tought all your students life’s glorious rays.

Nothing can so much disturb her mind as a conscious guilt or the memory of wrong doing. Your letter must have an awakening influence upon her wandering and fugitive mind, every unkind and selfish deed or act that Mrs C has done to you. will prevent the Sweet flow of peace from entering the Soul. and She must wait for a fuller life. and the finite things of life’s brief As Written: breaf day, will rise to a fuller life and live and bloom with God.

Sometime perhaps not in the far distant I shall see your dear self then I can tell you all I have not in my letter. always remember loved teacher I have a Soul full of love for you; and my sister wishes to be remember with bundles of love to you and best wishes

Good night loved Teacher and God tenderest blessings will ever be with you

Your ever loving
M. E. Sherman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy
My dear loved Teacher

Your dear letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was welcomed with loving hearts, from my sister and myself. I feel that you can almost hear me tell you. how much pleasure you gave us; It seemed as though your voice was near to us, and we had seene Corrected: seen you face to face; when our little circle of loved ones gather at Evening quietly by ourselves. and talk upon your loved ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and the hours pass so rapidly: the wish is often expressed by one and all. could we only have you hereEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois with us. but we shall do all we can to help you in your noble work; and nothing shall be left undone in “Christian Science” that is in our power to do for you, my loved teacher. we know you are tossed on life’s stormy Sea. but from the sunlit shores of glory, a peaceful Heaven is yours, all your many trials will be encircled with a halo of your heavenly Fathers Corrected: Father's . faithfulness and love. for you dear teacher are bearing seed and bringing sheaves to many. and the bountiful crop will bloom in the thickest glade of the forest up to heaven at last. when the stomy Corrected: stormy waves are heaving: The cross points to paridise Corrected: paradise , and all doubts cease, for Christ is your crown. He sits at the helm, guiding the tossed bark: and He guides it well, and wafts you, near to Heaven. I would like to hear if Mrs C answers your letterEditorial Note: See L02530B and L04095., I fell that she must accept your letterEditorial Note: See L02530B and L04095. of love. coming from truths Corrected: truth’s alter Corrected: altar . It will surely open to her the sunshine through all the darkness. her Spirit can not Corrected: cannot help but bow to what is sincere, you are calling her from the drift that has settled along her life’s way. by your high intent and earnest aims. to the fountain within her soul.

Will she not emerge from darkness and from earthly pain to the open door of Joy? and turn unto the spirit more and more, leaving the dull shadows ever in the past and approach nearer Heaven: where you have tought Corrected: taught all your students life’s glorious rays.

Nothing can so much disturb her mind as a conscious guilt or the memory of wrong doing. Your letter must have an awakening influence upon her wandering and fugitive mind, every unkind and selfish deed or act that Mrs C has done to you. will prevent the Sweet flow of peace from entering the Soul. and She must wait for a fuller life. and the finite things of life’s breaf Corrected: brief day, will rise to a fuller life and live and bloom with God.

Sometime perhaps not in the far distant I shall see your dear self then I can tell you all I have not in my letter. always remember loved teacher I have a Soul full of love for you; and my sister wishes to be remember with bundles of love to you and best wishes

Good night loved Teacher and God tenderest blessings will ever be with you

Your ever loving
M. E. Sherman
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Chicago, Illinois This letter is not extant. Christian Science Chicago, Illinois See L02530B and L04095. See L02530B and L04095.