Oh would I could come to you this evening and unfold the yearning of my Soul, and put my arms around you. and tell you how very much I love you, and nothing would make me add a pang or sorrow to your dear heart, let me assure you it was far from my intentions to cause my dear teacher any bad feelings, I do not think you have done me an injury. I would not knowingly cast a burden upon your pathway, for I cherish and love you to well the bond of truth and love which bind us, can never die; and hope is our pathway and its flowers will bloom and bud in its peaceful bower. When we received Mrs Crosse letterEditorial Note: See 396.50.002. telling us of the false slander that was constantly being sent to youEditorial Note: See 371.49.012. my dear teacher I did feel bad and felt that we ought to know if it was anyoneAs Written:any one in the associationEditorial Note: This is a reference to the Chicago branch of the Christian Scientist Association.. When tongues filled with venom are striking to wound and assail us, and storm clouds are gathering in our pathway, Should we not press forward undaunted, when we are trying to have unity, harmony, peace, love, and happiness. I feel if there is discord, strife, or enmity among any member, or members of the association, would it not be well to find out the truest ones, I ask your adviceAs Written: advise ; will you please pardon me for causing you a single sorrow, & well know your labors are all love, and your purpose is to teach us the divine power which is infinite and eternal and my spirit goes out, asking aid toward the completeness of life and human endeavors, and for Spiritual unfoldment through the workings of your divine ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science it has inspired so many with grand purposes we have just had a call from a missionary from Japan, who is deeply interested in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. When I visit Boston next summer nothing will give me greater pleasure than As Written: then to meet you, then we can talk of so many pleasant things and the hours will while away so fast and pleasant, as they always do when with you dear teacher, It is late & must bid you good night with a kiss may the oneness of spirit whose infinite love reaches all mankind bless you dear teacher in every hour & will send you a Copy of Mrs Crosse kind letter, which Contains nothing but the kindest expressions from you both
Mr Sherman will write you very soon. He is in need of more BooksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. send best wishes and kind regards. also my Sister send love and kind remembrances.
friend and Student