Accession: 382.50.016
Editorial Title: Eldridge J. Smith to Mary Baker Eddy, November 25, 1881
Author: Eldridge J. Smith 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 25, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Eldridge J. Smith on the lined stationery of Anderson & Smith: Solicitors of United States and Foreign Patents from Washington, D.C.
Editorial Note: Smith writes that he has enclosed the copyright certificate from the Congressional Library (certificate not extant), which Mary Baker Eddy had asked for. The cost of obtaining the certificate was fifty cents ($12.61 in 2016). The lawyer fee to record assignment of copyrights is $1.00 ($25.23 per assignment). Smith wants to know if Eddy would like to have her two assignments recorded, as she had only mentioned the assignment from James C. Howard back to Asa Gilbert Eddy in her letter. Smith refers to a conversation with Lucinda Reeves about the possibility of Mary Baker Eddy visiting Washington, D.C. during the winter. Smith and his wife wish that they could have Eddy stay at their home, but at present every available space is occupied. However, he will do everything he can to assist Eddy when she comes. He hopes that his financial condition will improve in time so he can help in that way too. He closes with kindest regards to Eddy and her husband. In a postscript, Smith says that he and his wife think that Lucinda M. Reeves is a "most excellent lady" and that they are more than ever impressed with the truth and importance of what Eddy teaches.
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