I send you by this mail a Worcester paper containing an article on “Sanity Dangers,” and thinking it quite a good time to send in an article from “Metaphysical Science” including some of the many of your beautiful ideas found in PhysiologyEditorial Note: “Physiology” is a chapter in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., in “Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.” I wish to kindly ask you to write up a short article as a sort of reply to the above mentioned article, also as a little light on the great subject of Christian or Metaphysical Science. The people here 70.000 are “dead” to the Great Truth With very few exceptions. Perhaps you can find time to write one of your beautiful articles upon this subject for a Student who will more than appreciate it, and for one who has found the Great Principle ever ready to assist in destroying error, in every instance, with one or two exceptions, where circumstances prevented its demonstration, and still it did show itself As Written: it self more than all else that was done, which was much in the line of external and internal applications, which I could not help.
If you find time to grant me this favor it will be very much appreciated.
I had a case of Rheumatism of the Knee very Acute with much swelling &c., cured in 24 hours, only 4 treatments.
A case of Neuralgia As Written: Neurolgia of the Heart, patient under the care of a Clairvoyant Quack, which I cured instantaneously, that is, I never saw her but once, and thus did not treat her in her presence, but the mere Aroma of Truth when in conversation, also, to Truth Audibly spoken was what did this work.
I have a case in Springfield MassachusettsAs Written:Mass, a very stubborn one, seemingly, that which the Medical DoctorsAs Written:M.D.s could not touch is reported as doing nicely.
I think I shall get a practice before long but I have not been very successful financially yet.
I have had to make a commencement, if I could not get those who would pay I must take those who cannot As Written: can not , but it may come better before long.
I shall be in Boston before long and if convenient would be pleased to see you, shall of course call at the College.
Your Affectionate Student.
Love to All!