Accession: 402.51.022
Editorial Title: Albert B. Dorman to Mary Baker Eddy, November 17, 1884
Author: Albert B. Dorman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 17, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Albert B. Dorman on lined paper from Worcester, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I suppose brother Frye has mentioned my condition that I have been in to you, but very likely you may not of seen the letter, and if not I am very glad. God knows that before I would call upon you in such a time for help I would rather do most anything for I know that you have had more than your share already, but I felt that you could see my condition quicker than anyone for I had talked with you so lately, and all I needed was a few words from you, and while I am well aware you have more than you ought, to attend to, I could not feel that it was wrong to ask for help from you, for it is through my very positive position that I have taken in your favor that has brought it upon me, and all I could think of to say was Help! I am doing more business than all the rest here and being from the College and not with them, causes jealousy; but I am only stronger in the fight and will stick to, and I am determined not to be overcome by error and evil again, for I am satisfied that we can be free from it, if we are in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, for then there is no mesmerism, any more than there is disease. There is no mesmerism only as we believe in it, and I am only going to try and keep free from it as I would from all other evil or error. It is when we are out of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science that we are receptive of it, and at no other time. Now we must be free from this and not be so unhappy at times. I know we can, and as you have given me that beautiful word, Watch, I am going to make use of it, but Without fear. We are not alone when God is omnipresent, and when we are overcome with error or evil We forget God. It did not come on to me in a minute, it was some time about it, and I did not Watch! So I got just where many have got where they must do their best to get out. Thanks to brother Frye for his kindness, but when he advises a fellow that it is better to get out alone I am afraid he ha s never been there. Of course I knew all that, but cried for help, just the same.

I awakened myself on the strictest rules of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science the best I could at that time and might of got out alone, hope I never will have to Write again on this subject, for I do believe if We all try harder for God We Will not fear or think of mesmerism (a belief.) Now that I am out I see the folly of it, and I don'tAs Written:dont expect to be overcome with nothing again. When you are to be at the church again if convenient let me know yourself or through brother Frye. Now I will close. Hoping that I Will hear from you when you can spare a few moments, I am

Your Affectionate Student
Albert Barnes Dorman
and himself again.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I suppose brother Frye has mentioned my condition that I have been in to you, but very likely you may not of seen the letter, and if not I am very glad. God knows that before I would call upon you in such a time for help I would rather do most anything for I know that you have had more than your share already, but I felt that you could see my condition quicker than anyone for I had talked with you so lately, and all I needed was a few words from you, and while I am well aware you have more than you ought, to attend to, I could not feel that it was wrong to ask for help from you, for it is through my very positive position that I have taken in your favor that has brought it upon me, and all I could think of to say was Help! I am doing more business than all the rest here and being from the College and not with them, causes jealousy; but I am only stronger in the fight and will stick to, and I am determined not to be overcome by error and evil again, for I am satisfied that we can be free from it, if we are in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, for then there is no mesmerism, any more than there is disease. There is no mesmerism only as we believe in it, and I am only going to try and keep free from it as I would from all other evil or error. It is when we are out of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science that we are receptive of it, and at no other time. Now we must be free from this and not be so unhappy at times. I know we can, and as you have given me that beautiful word, Watch, I am going to make use of it, but Without fear. We are not alone when God is omnipresent, and when we are overcome with error or evil We forget God. It did not come on to me in a minute, it was some time about it, and I did not Watch! So I got just where many have got where they must do their best to get out. Thanks to you brother Frye for your his kindness, but when you he advises a fellow that it is better to get out alone I am afraid you he ha ve s never been there. Of course I knew all that, but cried for help, just the same.

I awakened myself on the strictest rules of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science the best I could at that time and might of got out alone, hope I never will have to Write again on this subject, for I do believe if We all try harder for God We Will not fear or think of mesmerism (a belief.) Now that I am out I see the folly of it, and I dontCorrected:don't expect to be overcome with nothing again. When you are to be at the church again if convenient let me know yourself or through brother Frye. Now I will close. Hoping that I Will hear from you when you can spare a few moments, I am

Your Affectionate Student
Albert Barnes Dorman
and himself again.
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