I have intended to write you for a long time, or at least it seems long to me, but can you hardly believe it that I have not found time, I am busy from 8 a.m until 1 or 2 in the afternoon with patients outside, and have a large office practice, although it is somewhat neglected lately by having so much outside to do. I have much to talk about to you and write, but will only take time for a short letter this time.
I wish you would write me, or have brother Frye what book or books or concordance is the best for me to use in connection with Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. in order to help me in the study of the Scriptures. You can advise me, if anythingAs Written:any thing, what I ought to have, I am bound to know more and more, and take time for it. I shall live up to your teachings and the more I see and hear of others, the more I think, know that we are right. I have never looked into others only to learn their claims, only to find less of the Spirit and more of the argument. I want to see you very much. I have several good things for paper which I will send soon.
Let me hear from you. Love to All.