Accession: 485.55.013
Editorial Title: George W. Chase to Mary Baker Eddy, November 4, 1881
Author: George W. Chase 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 4, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George W. Chase on embossed lined paper from Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter has an archivist notation of “1881-RP,” which is a year estimate for the letter added by Robert Peel.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Mrs Whiting has been here And told all about the trouble– It would be impossible for me to be Any more surprised As Written: supprised – its the hardest blow yet– but like all the others you will come out All right– I think they Are A set of bedeviled As Written: be develed fools [?] Unclear or illegible , and will come to their As Written: there senses As Written: sences soon– I never saw such Cowards As they seem to be - whatever As Written: what ever comes you will find me on the side of right if I know what it is– I am Very Very sorry, And Am willing to do all I can to restore peace - trust the same hand that has always As Written: allways le d you, and into no darkness will you go.

yours truly.
My love to Dr. E—
[*]Archival Note: There is a diagonal line drawn from the signature to the erased text.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Mrs Whiting has been here And told all about the trouble– It would be impossible for me to be Any more supprised Corrected: surprised – its the hardest blow yet– but like all the others you will come out All right– I think they Are aA set of be develed Corrected: bedeviled fools [?] Unclear or illegible , and will come to there Corrected: their sences Corrected: senses soon– I never saw such Cowards As they seem to be - what ever Corrected: whatever comes you will find me on the side of right if I know what it is– I am Very Very sorry, And Am willing to do all I can to restore peace - trust the same hand that has allways Corrected: always let d you, and into no darkness will you go.

yours truly.
My love to Dr. E—
[*]Archival Note: There is a diagonal line drawn from the signature to the erased text.Geo Chase A A B
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Newburyport, Massachusetts There is a diagonal line drawn from the signature to the erased text.