Accession: 487.55.002
Editorial Title: Mary A. F. Emerson to Mary Baker Eddy, November 7, 1880
Author: Mary A. F. Emerson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 7, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary A. F. Emerson on unlined paper.
Editorial Note: Emerson begins by saying that the greatest and best in the world have always been the most fearfully persecuted. Emerson is effusive in praising Mary Baker Eddy, at one point even saying that she feels that only a second Christ could have written Eddy's writings. Emerson says she would give $1000 ($24,776.17 in 2015) to be able to study with Eddy and would deem it "an honor of the superlative degree." She would like to apply Eddy's instructions to her own case. But she does not have the money at present and will not cease praying that supply will come. She comments that James C. Howard is a good man, that she will send him patients, and that she will ask him to give her Christian Science treatment. She will do all she can for Eddy's "glorious cause," and Heaven will bless it. Emerson describes herself as an "ignorant, simple, champion of justice," and that she can in time counteract all the evil that wicked ones have done. She would like Eddy to name a day on which Emerson could call on her.
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