Accession: 488.55.004
Editorial Title: Henrietta E. Day to Mary Baker Eddy, October 5, 1881
Author: Henrietta E. Day 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 5, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henrietta E. Day on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Day writes to Eddy about her developing practice of Christian Science. She mentions an enclosed "card" (likely her business card advertising her as a Christian Science healer) that she hopes will meet with Eddy's approval, as well as her plans for a sign in front of her house and an ad in the paper. She says that she had a pleasant visit from Clara Choate and they had a long conversation. They will be going together to visit a patient, as Choate also mentions in a letter to Eddy. Day states how impressed she is with Choate's courage and she desires to emulate Choate's example. She says she intends to be present at the next meeting.
Related Topic: 025A.10.015Click link to view 025A.10.015 document in new window, 488.55.007Click link to view 488.55.007 document in new window
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