Accession: 493.55.011
Editorial Title: Ella M. Hollis to Mary Baker Eddy, April 21, 1884
Author: Ella M. Hollis 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 21, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ella M. Hollis on embossed lined paper from Groveland, Massachusetts.
Related Topic: L02552Click link to view L02552 document in new window, 480.55.023Click link to view 480.55.023 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Eddy:
Dear Madam.

I appeal to you as a last resort, I have tried four of your students of Metaphysical ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science without any benefit. My trouble is deafness. In the fall of '75 I was advised to go to Spofford who had an office in LynnEditorial Note: Lynn, Massachusetts, but who had patients in this vicinity and had done some wonderful cures I lived in BrocktonEditorial Note: Brockton, Massachusetts at that time I went to Lynn, he said he could cure me, told me the trouble was not in my head. I stayed As Written: staid about ten days going to his office every day for treatment. He had your book on "Science & Health," which he let his patients have for one dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1875 is the equivalent of $22.68 in 2017.. I read it and liked it very much and I think it helped me in some ways. I wanted to study, and wrote you for termsEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. but felt that I could not well afford what you asked. then I wrote you some time afterwardsEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. to recommend someoneAs Written:some one, and you sent me Aren's address;Editorial Note: See L02522. I went to him two or three times but he did not help and me, and beside I did not like his manner, then he wrote me I will enclose the letterEditorial Note: See 480.55.023. also the one you wrote me recommending himEditorial Note: See L02522. as you may not remember, having so much to take your attention. After that I lost interest and thought As Written: though I should not try again, but last fall, we learned of a wonderful Dr. in HaverhillEditorial Note: Haverhill, Massachusetts and were advised to go to him, friends told him of my case, and wished me to have treatment, he wished also to take my case, and said if he did not cure me would not charge anything and if he did, not much, but had no doubt he could cure me, his name is C. H. Colby, calls himself a Metaphysician I had twenty five treatments from him, he using manipulation, telling me all the time I was better when I could not perceive a particle of difference. Just before I had done with him we heard of two ladies from Lawrence. (Mrs. Maria B. Brown & Miss Morse) that were giving parlor lectures on the power of mind over disease. we were invited and my sister went and liked very much. said Miss Morse talked like your book. I had trouble with my wrist which I suppose was rheumatism and I went to Mrs. B. she treated me two weeks for it and it was very much better, then I had treatment for my deafness. she said she did not want to say that she could or could not cure me but would like to try. So I have been under her treatment for five or six weeks and all without the slightest difference I asked her if you would take my case as an exception, after my experiences but she said she did not know, told me to write to you. They formed a class and my sister decided to join but finally thought as I was having treatment she would wait and see if I got better. By the way those cures that Spofford was said to perform were not permanent, and one lady here in G.Editorial Note: Groveland, Massachusetts has treatment from him now, and says she could not live if it was not for him. If you could or would cure me it would convince many here of the truth of it, who laugh at me now because I advocate it so warmly and at same time do not hear any better I would like to have something to prove it to them, almost as much as to get my hearing. Please let me know what you will do, and if you take my case, what your terms are.

E. M. Hollis / Groveland
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Eddy:
Dear Madam.

I appeal to you as a last resort, I have tried four of your students of Metaphysical ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science without any benefit. My trouble is deafness. In the fall of '75 I was advised to go to Spofford who had an office in LynnEditorial Note: Lynn, Massachusetts, but who had patients in this vicinity and had done some wonderful cures I lived in BrocktonEditorial Note: Brockton, Massachusetts at that time I went to Lynn, he said he could cure me, told me the trouble was not in my head. I staid Corrected: stayed about ten days going to his office every day for treatment. He had your book on "Science & Health," which he let his patients have for one dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1875 is the equivalent of $22.68 in 2017.. I read it and liked it very much and I think it helped me in some ways. I wanted to study, and wrote you for termsEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. but felt that I could not well afford what you asked. then I wrote you some time afterwardsEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. to recommend some oneCorrected:someone, and you sent me Aren's address;Editorial Note: See L02522. I went to him two or three times but he did not help and me, and beside I did not like his manner, then he wrote me I will enclose the letterEditorial Note: See 480.55.023. also the one you wrote me recommending himEditorial Note: See L02522. as you may not remember, having so much to take your attention. After that I lost interest and though Corrected: thought I should not try again, but last fall, we learned of a wonderful Dr. in HaverhillEditorial Note: Haverhill, Massachusetts and were advised to go to him, friends told him of my case, and wished me to have treatment, he wished also to take my case, and said if he did not cure me would not charge anything and if he did, not much, but had no doubt he could cure me, his name is C. H. Colby, calls himself a Metaphysician I had twenty five treatments from him, he using manipulation, telling me all the time I was better when I could not perceive a particle of difference. Just before I had done with him we heard of two ladies from Lawrence. (Mrs. Maria B. Brown & Miss Morse) that were giving parlor lectures on the power of mind over disease. we were invited and my sister went and liked very much. said Miss Morse talked like your book. I had trouble with my wrist which I suppose was rheumatism and I went to Mrs. B. she treated me two weeks for it and it was very much better, then I had treatment for my deafness. she said she did not want to say that she could or could not cure me but would like to try. So I have been under her treatment for five or six weeks and all without the slightest difference I asked her if you would take my case as an exception, after my experiences but she said she did not know, told me to write to you. They formed a class and my sister decided to join but finally thought as I was decided to wait having treatment she would wait and see if I got better. By the way those cures that Spofford was said to perform were not permanent, and one lady here in G.Editorial Note: Groveland, Massachusetts has treatment from him now, and says she could not live if it was not for him. If you could or would cure me it would convince many here of the truth of it, who laugh at me now because I advocate it so warmly and at same time do not hear any better I would like to have something to prove show it to them, almost [?] Unclear or illegible  as much as to get my hearing. Please let me know what you will do, and if you take my case, what your terms are.

E. M. Hollis / Groveland
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Christian Science Lynn, Massachusetts Brockton, Massachusetts $1.00 in 1875 is the equivalent of $22.68 in 2017. This letter is not extant. This letter is not extant. See L02522. See 480.55.023. See L02522. Haverhill, Massachusetts Groveland, Massachusetts