Accession: 495.55.002
Editorial Title: Nancy L. Jones to Mary Baker Eddy, May 18, 1885
Author: Nancy L. Jones 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 18, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Nancy L. Jones on lined paper from Portland, Maine.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Teacher, -

I received your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., was pleased to hear from you. I often think of you, and wish I might see you.

I expect you would like to know how I am getting along in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I am doing nicely, have been very successful. I have quite a number of mesmeric individuals with which I have to contend, all quite near me, Drs. Baxter, Chase, and one of your former students. You know to whom I refer. She was sick in bed, and sent for me to treat her. I went to see her twice, the third time I went she had seen Dr. Chase, he told her, "That Mrs Jones did not understand how to take up the case, and he said they were working on her at the College, and made her sick." He took them up, and she claims that she got well. A few days ago she asked me to take up Chase, she thought it was he that made her sick. I thought it strange, if she believed As Written: beleived he made her sick, to have him treat her instead of me. Do you think it is my duty to treat Mrs. Poole again? I have one patient that treated with Mrs. Poole two weeks, did not like her, and came to me. She was getting along very nicely, and very suddenly was taken quite sick, the thought came to her that it was mesmerism, she got up and prayed that Mrs. Poole’s could not touch her, and it left in an instant. I hope you will think of me, for I feel as though I need your thought and protection.

In regard to Mrs Gleason, I have inquired of a lady where she calls quite often, she said, that she knows no harm of her. She said that she had a letter from you and Miss Bartlett, urging her to come and learn the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, that is all I can learn of the lady, only having a speaking acquaintance with her myself. She seems to be very much interested in it.

Your loving Student,
Mrs. C. A. Jones.

P.S. If you can spare the time: Please write me a few lines, concerning what I have written about Mrs Poole if I had better drop her entirely. I want to do right and would like your As Written: you advice.

Mrs. C. A. Jones.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Teacher, -

I received your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., was pleased to hear from you. I often think of you, and wish I might see you.

I expect you would like to know how I am getting along in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I am doing nicely, have been very successful. I have quite a number of mesmerics individuals with which I have to contend, all quite near me, Drs. Baxter, Chase, and one of your former students. You know to whom I refer. She was sick in bed, and sent for me to treat her. I went to see her twice, the third time I went she had seen Dr. Chase, he told her, "That Mrs Jones did not understand how to take up the case, and he said they were working on her at the College, and made her sick." He took them up, and she claims that she got well. A few days ago she asked me to take up Chase, she thought it was he that made her sick. I thought it strange, if she beleived Corrected: believed he made her sick, to have him treat her instead of me. Do you think it is my duty to treat Mrs. Poole again? I have one patient that treated with Mrs. Poole two weeks, did not like her, and came to me. She was getting along very nicely, and very suddenly was taken quite sick, the thought came to her that it was mesmerism, she got up and prayed that Mrs. Poole’s could not touch her, and it left in an instant. I hope you will think of me, for I feel as though I need your thought and protection.

In regard to Mrs Gleason, I have inquired of a lady where she calls quite often, she said, that she knows no harm of her. She said that she had a letter from you and Miss Bartlett, urging her to come and learn the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, that is all I can learn of the lady, only having a speaking acquaintance with her myself. She seems to be very much interested in it.

Your loving Student,
Mrs. C. A. Jones.

P.S. If you can spare the time: Please write me a few lines, concerning what I have written about Mrs Poole if I had better drop her entirely. I want to do right and would like you Corrected: your advice.

Mrs. C. A. Jones.

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