Accession: 497.55.007
Editorial Title: James W. Webster to Emeline A. Merriman, February 15, 1886
Author: James W. Webster 
Recipient: Emeline A. Merriman 
Date: February 15, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by James W. Webster on embossed lined paper from Malden, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. E. A. Merriman
Dear Madam: –

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. asking for a Letter of Dismission and Recommendation, was presented to the Church Committee last evening. I was instructed to write to you and suggest that according to Congregational polity we cannot dismiss a member and recommend to any other than a recognized Evangelical As Written: Evangenical Church. We give Letters to Methodist, Baptist Presbyterian & Episcopalian. The "Church of Christ (Scientist)" of which you write we know nothing about. We are not able to recognize in it a regularly organized Evangelical Church. We desire to do just right towards you and the Church, and, hence withhold As Written: withold action, giving you opportunity to write us more definitelyAs Written: difinitely , or meet us next Friday night after prayer-meeting, when we shall be pleased to receive any information which you may wish to give. Should you conclude to meet the Committee – trains leave Station in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts at 7 and 7..20, and return leaving Malden at 9..28

Yours in Christian fellowship,
J. W. Webster,
Clerk of Church.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. E. A. Merriamman
Dear Madam: –

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. asking for a Letter of Dismission and Recommendation, was presented to the Church Committee last evening. I was instructed to write to you and suggest that according to Congregational polity we cannot dismiss a member and recommend to any other than a recognized Evangenical Corrected: Evangelical Church. We give Letters to Methodist, Baptist Presbyterian & Episcopalian. The "Church of Christ (Scientist)" of which you write we know nothing about. We are not able to recognize in it a regularly organized Evangelical Church. We desire to do just right towards you and the Church, and, hence withold Corrected: withhold action, giving you opportunity to write us more difinitely Corrected: definitely, or meet us next Friday night after prayer-meeting, when we shall be pleased to receive any information which you may be pleased wish to give. Should you conclude to meet the Committee – trains leave Station in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts at 7 and 7..20, and return leaving Malden at 9..28

Yours in Christian fellowship,
J. W. Webster,
Clerk of Church.
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Malden, Massachusetts This letter is not extant. Boston, Massachusetts