Accession: 508.56.005
Editorial Title: Samuel G. Todd to Mary Baker Eddy, June 22, 1879
Author: Samuel G. Todd 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 22, 1879
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Samuel G. Todd on lined paper from Rowley, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Todd says that he is writing to Mary Baker Eddy to let her know that he is still alive. He says that he is a little better than he was in the past but that he is not successful in healing others. He is not making much money from his practice and will need to return to farm work. He is not sure if he would be more successful if he moved elsewhere.
Related Topic: This letter contrasts with Todd's testimony of April 18, 1879, in which he writes that he is a successful healer and lists a number of conditions he has healed. See 508.56.004Click link to view 508.56.004 document in new window.
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