June 23 – ‘85
Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was receivedAs Written:recd., your munificence was more unexpected than the error with regard to the books so kindly donated - I appreciate the act & the works very highly -
The topic of Being or Life, as it is unfolding is the most wonderful theme of the day. How the Holy Ghost is revealing himself!
Putting together Herbert Spencer’s definition of Eternal Life, Drummond’sEditorial Note: Henry Drummond views in Natural Law in Spiritual WorldEditorial Note: Natural Law in the Spiritual World by Henry Drummond, & your own exegesis, as it really seems to be to use of Bible language, & the development of the subject seems grand & wonderful -
When children shall be born of the Holy Spirit the possibilities of life will begin to the realized - It has seemed lately as if we were getting back into Apostolic times - the Lord lead us back to Enoch’s day!
Thanking you again sincerely; understanding Rom 6.11. "Dead to sin"Rom 6:11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. as never before – With face always turned toward the Light, for it is everywhere,