Accession: 521.56.015
Editorial Title: Charles M. Barrows to Mary Baker Eddy, May 7, 1885
Author: Charles M. Barrows 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 7, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Charles M. Barrows on embossed lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I certainly wish to appreciate and thank you for all the friendly kindness which dictated your long letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., received this morning; and be assured that my honest attitude toward the subject of mental healing is that of a learner, who finds reason constantly to change his position, as he comes to see more clearly what is true and what is untenable.

In what I have written and uttered on the subject my wish was to benefit not to injure "Christ. Science"Editorial Note: Christian Science. My pamphletEditorial Note: Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure was published to lead the skeptical to make an honest investigation, and I believe you spoke the truth when you told me you thought it just the bone needed for that purpose.

Now your letter assumes and implies, if it does not directly state that "Bread-Pills"Editorial Note: Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure and my utterances not only betray ignorance of what you term scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but actually harm the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. Well, it is but just for those who accuse to prove their charges. Then, if you will be kind enough to quote from "Bread-Pills"Editorial Note: Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure or any saying of mine any false statements concerning "Christ. Science,"Editorial Note: Christian Science I trust I am both honest and honorable enough to retract them. Isn’t that fair?

But I think you would have very little reason and put faith in me, if having been a student of the ethical and psychical principles involved in this subject, I should do otherwise, than be loyal to my own convictions, or abandon them to please another, when I did not see them to be wrong. Neither God nor man respects one who is not loyal to this own understanding of truth.

I would gladly learn any new truth you are able to teach me, and you say you are ready to teach me on the most liberal terms, and yet your conditions are intolerant, since they prescribe that I must abandon what I am more and more convinced is a means of much good by bringing those who have no idea of true mental healing to seek knowledge from those who are competent to impart it, and exert a healing power for their good. Jesus did not ask people to forsake what they believed to be right, until he had first taught them the truth.

I want light, I wish to be right, and would be glad to learn all there is to know. I shall not continue a cause when I see it to be wrong, least of all shall I seek to hurt a cause which is doing so much for the human race as is "Christ. Science"Editorial Note: Christian Science. But I am bound to seek to do good in my own way, using the light I have, and ever seeking more. If you can show me my error then I will abandon it and thank you for the act. If you think I have valuable talent, it may be worth your while to set me right, even at the cost of valuable time. If I lack talent, what I am able to say will do little harm or good.

Truly yours
C. M. Barrows
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I certainly wish to appreciate and thank you for all the friendly kindness which dictated your long letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., received this morning; and be assured that my honest attitude toward the subject of mental healing is that of a learner, who finds reason constantly to change his position, as he comes to see more clearly what is true and what is untenable.

In what I have written and uttered on the subject my wish was to benefit not to injure "Christ. Science"Editorial Note: Christian Science. My pamphletEditorial Note: Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure was published to lead the skeptical to make an honest investigation, and I believe you told spoke the truth when you told me you thought it just the bone needed for that purpose.

Now your letter assumes and implies, if it does not directly state that "Bread-Pills"Editorial Note: Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure and my utterances not only betray ignorance of what you term scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but actually harm the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. Well, it is but just for those who accuse to prove their charges. Then, if you will be kind enough to quote from "Bread-Pills"Editorial Note: Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure or any saying of mine any false statements concerning "Christ. Science,"Editorial Note: Christian Science I trust I am both honest and honorable enough to retract them. Isn’t that fair?

But I think you would have very little reason and put faith in me, if having been a student of the ethical and psychical principles involved in this subject, I should do otherwise, than be loyal to my own convictions, or abandon my them to please another, when I did not see them to be wrong. Neither God nor man respects one who is not loyal to this own understanding of truth.

I would gladly learn any new truth you are able to teach me, and you say you are ready to teach me on the most liberal terms, and yet your conditions are intolerant, since they prescribe that I must abandon what I am more and more convinced is a means of much good by bringing those who have no idea of true mental healing to seek knowledge from those who are competent to impart it, and exert a healing power for their good. Jesus did not ask people to forsake what they believed to be right, until he had first taught them the truth.

I want light, I wish to be right, and would be glad to learn all there is to know. I shall not continue a cause when I see it to be wrong, least of all shall I seek to hurt a cause which is doing so much for the human race as is "Christ. Science"Editorial Note: Christian Science. But I am bound to seek to do good in my own way, using the light I have, and ever seeking more. If you can show me my error then I will abandon it and thank you for the act. If you think I have valuable talent, it may be worth your while to set me right, even at the cost of valuable time. If I lack talent, what I am able to say will do little harm or good.

Truly yours
C. M. Barrows
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This letter is not extant. Christian Science Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure Christian Science The cause of Christian Science Christian Science Christian Science Bread Pills, A Study of Mind-Cure